Novabetahistine (Top voted first)



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Betahistine is most commonly used to treat vertigo caused by Meniere's Disease.It generally reduces the number of instances of vertigo that one experiences.

The most common side effects is stomach upset, so it is recommended that you take it with food.

This is a prescription medication available in Canada.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

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Can you take something herbel to acheive the same benafits that helps with Meniere's Disease? or reduses pressure in the inner ear?

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Sam,I am sorry, I really don't know and herbal remedies can be just as strong and dangerous as prescription medications.

The main difference, of course, is they are not tested as thoroughly, so they can react with some medications and the side effects are mostly unknown.

Have you tried consulting your doctor about other options?

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I am taking nova betahistine for mineres disease, I would like to no if there is any side affects like weight gain rashes or other symptems.

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