Not Yet Adjusting To Contrave (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Into my second month on contrave. I have experienced every side effect. Irritable, ringing ears, vomiting, lack of libido ect..ect. I have lost weight but at a high price. I hope hope hope my body will adjust to this torture.

50 Replies (3 Pages)

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I think I am losing my hair too. I have never had a problem with hair thinning before. It has always been fine, but I have a lot. I started taking Contrave in March and within a couple weeks I noticed my hair seemed to be thinning out. I have been taking it for about 2 months and since then, I'm losing about twice the normal amount of hair in the shower. People have started asking me if I got my hair cut because it's visibly thinner and appears shorter (it's curly). It never even occurred to me until today that it could be this stupid drug. I haven't even lost any weight. I am stopping it immediately.

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Hair loss. I have been on Contrave for 2 months and my hair is falling out in leaps and bounds. Is this because of the Contrave

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YES. I just got up to the 4 pills and my hair loss is obvious. I already have thin hair from menopause. I have been using Rogaine for years and despite that, the hair loss is profound. I may be thin at the end of this and I may be bald, too!

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I took Contrave for 3 weeks and my hair so quickly became thin and was falling out a lot. It's too thin and it scares me so I stopped the Contrave. I can't be bald so unfortunately I will have to choose to stay off it.

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Amber- has the extra Biotin and cutting back on contrave helped hairloss? I'd be interested in an update. Thanks!

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*eye roll to David*

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Watch out with Belviq and Contrave Jody, *eye rolling* may be a common side effect of both. Seriously it actually mentions vision changes and swollen eyes as side effects on

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@Jojo. Where did you read about birth control taking longer for full effect? I'd like to read more about that.

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Toby, I was hot flash free too until Contrave. It must have been a side effect that didn't happen to anyone while they were documenting the rest.

And Kelly, does your doctor know about your side effects?? They sound way to severe to continue. You might see if you can split the med out (Naltrexone/bupropion) to see what is causing your reactions. Or try something different. Don't make your life miserable.

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On contrave and beginning my 3rd week . I did not feel great on the 3 pills a day and have gone back to 2 which my md had told me I could do. Seem to be doing ok on that amount. Horrible constipation from drug and awful dry mouth. Any suggestions to help manage these?

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They do suggest one full month of birth control pills before they become fully effective. That way you are sure you didn't ovulate during that time period. Any bouts of diarrhea , vomiting, or use of antibiotics can hamper the effectiveness rate and is why it does have a 1% failure rate. As for contrave, I'm 5 days in and so nauseous. Im not hungry at all, and almost afraid to eat anything. I hope this isn't a long term thing. I only need to loose 40 lbs, so I hope it goes fast.

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The increased hot flashes are from the elevated blood pressure

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Hi. I have only been able to take 2 pills as well. The nausea has subsided but sometimes i feel like the pill is stuck in my throat. I have had some bouts of heartburn from the pill and on some days find I am vomiting as well. None of these symptoms are constant and sometimes I have no problems at all. As for constipation, i take a stool softener every day and that has totally gone away. Give it a try. Good luck

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I just finished week three, three pills a day and have felt horrible the whole week. Nausea, headaches, horrible dizziness. Week one was great with lots of energy and eating less. Week two wasnt bad, a few headaches. I'm going to try to back down to two a day and see how that works. Maybe even down to one a day to see how that lasts.

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I have had the same experience getting into the third week. I stopped the medication. I would rather be overweight than bald!

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Actually im suffering from cold flashes and i hate it. It last for about 3 hours every day. Also my throught is swollen and I feel like i have the flu; right now im wondering if its worth it. My insurance doesnt cover it and since it wasnt cheep im trying to hang in there.

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I have been on Contrave for over a year now and so has my mom. Yes I have lost around 50 lbs and I like how it makes me not hungry. But yes my mom and I both have noticed continually losing hair. My hair use to be so so thick now it is way thinner. It's good I started out with more hair. Also my mom has lost tons of hair as well. I have noticed even my eyebrows are wag thinner now I have to fill them in. I am on the fence post weather I should keep taking it or get off of it. I don't want to lose my hair just to lose weight.

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I've been taking Contave for 3 months and haven't lost weight. I have however lost a brush full of hair every time I shower. My husband lost 80 pounds while taking it but it could be due to his walking 6 miles a day.

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Just started taking Contrave and i feel just horrible. Had to get someone to work my shift. Will this sick feeling go away or should I stop taking

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On my first month taking the 3 pills now I am having major dizzy spells. Anyone know how long it can last

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