Not Getting Periods After Ovral L (Page 3)
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im not getting my periods after i have stopped taking ovral l. I took this pill for 6 months for irregular periods. at that time my periods were exceeding. now it has been 4 months after i stopped taking the pill (and im not pregnent. i have tested several times). still im not getting my periods. can any body tell me wats the cause? do i have to go for any investigation?

65 Replies (4 Pages)

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I am jane pascaline by name.i have not seen my menstral period for a month.i tried usin posternor1.i took 4tablet..and stil i didnt see my period.i tried misopostol.i took firstly 2 tablets by swallowin and stil i didnt see my period so i bought another misopostol and put two tablets deep into my virgina and i swallowed two but stil i hv no seen my menstrual period,can some one tel me what to do!

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Hi,I've been using ovral 4 2 mnths nw.last mnth I had a regular cycle which is 5days.dis mnth it its only 2days.I had stopped taking the pill a week before I started my periods.m nw worried abt my cycle.plz help.

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I have taken ovral-l tablets for 21 days as doctor suggested for irregular periods. Later on, I have taken scan and found I have a 11weeks of pregnancy. Whether, taken ovral-l will affect the baby?

Please suggest me.

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I have irregular periods for abt 3-4 months I visited to Dr she advised me to take overal L from 1 day of period for 21 days
Is it okay

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How to use ovral l, I want my next periods regularly on same day

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Hey, I used overal for last 12 mnths and I didnt find any changes in body functioning. I had regular periods on the the 3-4 th day after i finishd 21 days course. Now i.m waiting for my next period which is dated today. apparently since i didnt get my periods i startd pressuming maybe i might be pregnant but when i googled for more info, i see soo many reviews and period may not come regularly for few mnths.. as far as the one year i used, i didnt have any irregularities in my periods not any habits and no weight loss nor gain.

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I went to doc and told her i want to become pregnant . I also told her that my period is very irrigular. Doc gave me ovral l pill. . Now after going through the comments of others i am now confussed if this ovral pill is for getting period or stopping period . Should i stop it if i wana become pregnant? I havnt got my period for 3 months. Please help me!

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I can understand your problem completely. I also stopped ovral L after taking it for 2yrs. it took me 6 months for my 1st proper period. and it was very heavy.. I mean my bleeding was heavy. so wait for another month or 2 I am sure you will get your period soon. if not please see a gynac..

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I take Ovrally L table what is excatly use please tell me and advatage and disadvatage

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i have taken ovrall for 10 told me u will get your period within 2 or 3 days.5 days passed but till now i m not getting my periods.what to do now ?

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I don't know what this ovral medicine is but tell ur doc to put u on loestrin bc pills. That's what I took n I had a period in the last week s I was supposed to.

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I had irregular periods so doctor suggested ovral l for 21 days. It's been 5 days since I completed my course n I stil haven't got My period. What do I do? Please help.

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I dont know anything about Orval but when i needed to get a period to ovulate and become pregnant, my doc gave me loestrin fe. By the end of the month...i was bleeding, which was good. I had been on the implanon rod for 2 yrs before that and had it removed to have a baby. I do know that, that form of bc makes you only spot, but never have a period. It makes ur body think u are already pregnant. It stays in ur arm for 5 years at a time. If u don't want periods and want an effective bc, thats the one i recommend. There are no other side effects either. If i can be of any further assistance to anyone, let me know. This subject or others!!!

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I missed a period 6 months ago and I took mifepristone and misoprostol and got bleeding continues for one to two days and stopped then after 4 months it gradually starts, pregnancy test checked and found negative but doctor prescribed ovarl l and bleeding stops after taking continuously for 10 but when medicines stops the bleeding continues after please suggests what to take to stop bleeding and starts periods naturally;;;;;;;;;;;;?

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Am sometimes getting irregular period doctor adviced ovral l pills, after taking the tablets (not completed the pills cycle ) 17th day am getting light Brown discharge its any problem any one advice me

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stop 21 tablets of ovral -L when come my period after 2-3 days i am

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i had irregular periods. So doctor administered me oveeral-L. then everything became perfect. Now once i stopped it, im not getting my periods. I took this pill for 3 months for irregular periods. at that time my periods were exceeding. now it has been 1 months after i stopped taking the pill

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I was using triphasil b4,so now doctor gave me ovral,but since I use it I ddnt see my periods,m afraid maybe I'm pregnant...or its normal?

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I got married 3 month ago, can i go for copper T. right now i am taking ovarol L, but is it safe to use that, as i dont want child for 3 years?

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I am taking ovrals is it ok for me to skip two white pills and start with red ones so that I can go to my periods?

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