Not Effective After Four Months
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I started taking Contrave in February and have lost 24 pounds so far. It worked really well for my appetite and cravings. I have noticed the last couple of weeks it is not effective and has not been curving my appetite and cravings. Is this normal and can I do anything do "reboot" so it is effective again?

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I'm still struggling with this plateau I'm on...I cut back even more calories and exercising even harder than I normally do. It's so frustrating! I've been on Contrave for almost 6 months and have lost 45 lbs. i still have about 20 lbs more to go so I hope the pills start working again soon... they are so expensive to take if nothing happens.

I wasn't sure if people who experience this go off the medicine for a few weeks to kick start their bodies then start back up on it .

The side effects I've had are extremely bad headaches, a taste in my mouth that is just horrible , and nausea.

I'll still stay on it ... hoping to start losing again. Fingers crossed!

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Most people do report hitting a plateau phase, many have said it lasts about a month, or so, before they start losing weight, again.

Has there been any change for any of you, so far? Do you also watch what you eat and get plenty of exercise?

Have you experienced any side effects? The FDA lists them as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, nervousness, and insomnia.

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This is exactly what has happened to me in the last week or so. It's as if I am not taking it at all anymore. It's very expensive to build up a resistance to, if that is what's going on. I can't take any more of them, I am at the highest dose as I have been on it for 6 weeks or so. The first month I lost almost 20 pounds, but now the feeling of minimal hunger and no cravings has diminished to almost nothing.

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This is happening to me too.. on it for 5 months and I seem hungry a lot more now. Curious to see if anyone has any input on this slowdown.

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