Norcos How Long After Expiration Can I Take Take Them (Top voted first)


I am in severe pain I'm out of my medicine I take Norcos I found two bottles of Norcos 1 with the expiration of August 2008 the other one was 9 of 2015 do they have any potency in them still??? Or if I take when will I get sick to my stomach please help me I'm in severe pain Mike can't see my doctor to the middle of I can't see my doctor until mid-December

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According to reports by Harvard University's Medical School as well as the LA Times Newspaper, many medications can last anywhere from 15-40 years before degrading to such a point that renders it useless. In my findings, the expiration date on pharmaceutical labels and many types of products are rather arbitrary (based on random choice or personal whim). This is not to say that all drugs are safe after the expiration date, but under proper storage conditions pain medication can last a very very long time. That said, those 2008 Norcos are likely still relevant if stored properly (i.e. retaining at least 90% potency). The article by the LA Times specifically mentions hydrocodone lasting up to 28-40 years...




Hope this helps!

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Thank you thank you so much I had them stored in the container that they came in and I had them in a bag in my closet. I'm in such severe pain right now I took one but not feeling anything maybe because of pain level so high. I appreciate you responding to me thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will try it again tomorrow morning first thing before the pain gets so bad. God bless you and your family happy holidays to you. I really really appreciate your information more than you could ever know. Thank you again Jessie

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I forgot to tell you I change to pain management this guy is so I don't know what is but I don't think he's ever felt pain before. He will only speak to me very briefly I don't think he has any idea how much pain I'm in. He won't even change my meloxicam for my arthritis and that's the least of my problems. Just wanted to tell you hope you have a great holiday God bless you your family and I'll pray for your pain to go away

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PS. They are Watson's 540 10 / 550, the blue oval ones. Thank you so much I hope to God they work tomorrow or later or works. The ones I normally get are the Watson 853 White 10 / 325 and they suck. Should I get the name brand when I see the doctor?

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Hi Jessie,

I just wanted to say thank you for your kind response and wish you a happy pain free thanksgiving! I feel grateful to have been in a position to help. Expired meds is pretty big topic and most of the people I know have no idea if they can trust how accurate these expiration labels are; so I think it's a real gem to have this research from a prestigious medical university and highly regarded newspaper.

By the way, did you ever get a chance to try the medication yet to see how it works?

Personally when I feel that I have to rely on consistency, I tend to opt for the brand names of most pharmaceuticals. Generics in my experience can be a hit or miss (not always bad); but these variances in efficacy might also be due to different inactive ingredients that may affect absorption. So I say go with what you know works best and see if the doctor can specify that manufacturer's brand or generic on the prescription itself so pharmacies will fill exactly what you need.

Many blessings to you this holiday season! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any further updates down the road.

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My doctor gave me two scripts. The 2nd refill date is finally it for the 1st of December. They do work but not like they did in 2008 that's for sure. By the way they are the blue 840 Watson's but it's something. I'm in chronic pain. I've been on all different pain medicine since 2000. Fentanyl, morphine tablets, buprenorphine, Lortabs, Percocet and Percodan, oxycontin, but I keep on going back to the Vicodins because they work for me or they used to. I like the 750 ES, no longer manufactured. I just thought they weren't working on me no more because I got a high tolerance so I thought until I went on this site. Anyways I'll have to pay full price price if the pharmacist will allow me to pay for the name brand and get it without doctor's approval. I will ask my Dr in mid Dec. to change back to the Percocets and give me more than 4 a day. 4 a day only with these Norcos 853 without a pain patch no more. My days are just bad, very very bad. I hope the name brand works better. I don't have much money but would pay anything to be out of pain. There is my story. I hope you have a pain free holiday. Thank you for being so nice to me. I really appreciate you dearly. Thank you so much.

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This was very helpful to me as well.. though my pain meds are expired by like 6years .. Thank you very much!

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The ones from 2008 I'd trash but the ones from 2015 will have lost potency but shouldn't make you sick. I'd most def check with a pharmacist first just to be certain.

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