Norco10- 325mg
UpdatedIs Norco 10-325 as strong as Vicoden 10-660 for pain?
3 Replies
The only difference is the Norco has 325 mgs Tylenol and the Vicodin 660 mgs.They both have the same amount of hydrocodone, 10 mgs.
BL is correct about the amount of Tylenol (Acetaminophen) in each medication. Therefore, the Vicodin would be stronger than the Norco.
If your pain isn't severe, I personally recommend taking the Norco due to the fact that it contains less Tylenol (Acetaminophen). The more Acetaminophen, the harder it will be on your liver and other organs.
Please post back if you have any questions!
sorry but you can no longer get 660 in the usa
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