Norco Shortage
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According to the FDA's website there is no shortage, so what's going on? Has anyone been able to locate any?

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Re: Biff (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Nun there either in Mississippi I’m dealing with the same issue just broke my arm and had surgery so now I’m having to get meds for pain and gotta call back and forth getting everything changed

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Re: Biff (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Norco shortage at Kaiser!

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Have you guys tried to go to a hospital pharmacy that serves the public as well? They seem to get first dibs when it comes to high demand meds. I had to go there when my adderall wasn’t available at my local mom n pop pharmacy, no supply issues at all. I’m sure it’s the same with narcotics, you may have to get your prescribing doc to do a little legwork like email them your DX & a few patient pages to prove you need that type of medication to make them feel better about dispensing said medicine but trust me it’s worth it just to at least have an amazing backup pharmacy with zero supply issues.

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Re: Annoyed (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Same here in Santa Maria Ca. I called Riteaid pharmacy this morning and they told me that they still don’t have Norco in stock because of the national shortage. Horrible!!!

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Re: Verwon (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been on 10/300 for 10 years and now I can’t get it, and it’s not Norco. My pharmacist said it’s because everyone is switching to it. What can I switch to so I’m not in pain?

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ive been goin to Walmart in Dearborn,and novi

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Hello, Ang! How are you?

Manufacturers are also not required to report shortages, it is completely voluntary.

But there is always a shortage of controlled substances towards the end of each year, due to mandatory manufacturing limits. Once a manufacturer reaches their allowed limit, they cannot manufacturer any new product, until after the new year. Every year, demand inevitable exceeds supply.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

The best suggestion I can make is that all of those affected speak to their pharmacists to see what is available and then ask their doctors about prescribing it, in the meantime.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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It takes a while for drug shortages to show on the website. If the Manufactures are still changing the labels from when it was reclassified, there isn't a shortage. It also takes more than one area to report a shortage before it is listed and it depends on who is doing the reporting. Also just because a customer is told there is a drug shortagem doesn't mean there actually is one. Some pharmacies are choosing not to fill certain prescriptions.

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Well I still can't find any in my area. This is ridiculous. It's been a long time and they should have them in stock now. My pharmacy doesn't have a straight answer for what's going on and when they will be available. If anyone finds any in Michigan-suburbs of detroit area Plz say if u have found any

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