Norco And Roxycodone Prescribed At The Same Time
UpdatedI have severe back and knee problems... herniated disks,severe nerve damage that cannot be repaired. I also keep getting torn minicus in rt. knee 3 so far 2 surgeries. Nothing else can be done. left leg goes completly numb giving out on me and fell twice so far, last fall I fell down a flight of stairs. Very serious landing on tailbone and lowerc back. I now have a lot of swelling in lower back and right knee. I used to take Roxycode when I had a car accident and it was the only thing that worked.Now I'm taking Norco 10/325 and it works only for an hour or so. I'm seeing a new two days and I would like to ask him to prescribe me both. Do you think he will think that I'm a druggie? which I'm not. quite the opposite. I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalga last month, which I really have never believed in. Can I take one for the Fibro and one for the rest of my pain? Or for break-through pain. I would really love your advice. Thank You! Angela
1 Reply
Norco contains Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen, and Roxicodone contains Oxycodone, both are narcotic pain relievers. They can be taken together, but ultimately, it is up to your doctor, and what they think is best, and safest for you.
You might do better with a time released medication, such as Oxycontin, being added.
The FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.
What did they decide to prescribe?
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