Norco Tablets
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I am scheduled to take 1, 3 times a day. they are orange (light) a V on one side, scored and say on the back; 36 score mark 05. I have taken as many as 4 at one time w/o getting relief, but do feel there is a small amount in them, just to keep from withdrawal.

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Im having the same problems as the others. I feel as though I'm having withdrawal symptoms. But I take as prescribed 4 10/325 a halfway through script and didn't notice this until 2 days ago. Im wondering if the meds are bad.

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Verwon, My mother takes the exact same pills but they are white w/ m366 on it . these work. the ones I have are not even bitter. I think there was some error in the manufacturing process. Even she took one and it was useless for her, so I know something is wrong

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Most likely it's just that the medication doesn't work well for you for pain.

Not everything works for everyone that tries it, which is why there are usually multiple options to try in any therapeutic medication category.

Additionally, if you've taken it before, your body may have built up a tolerance to it.

Learn more Norco details here.

There is Acetaminophen in this, so you really need to be careful how many you take in a day, as too much of it can be toxic.

I'm sorry you are in pain, but if the medication isn't helping you, then you should contact your doctor to see if you can try something else, rather than taking way more of it than has been prescribed.

Is this the only medication you're on?

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In addition, I got this RX from the hospital pharmacy, no independent parties were involved. Are these places more likely to get less potent or fake tablets? or was there misuse of the main ingredients in the manufacturing process?

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