Norco Shortage In Michigan (Page 2)
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Is anyone else having problems finding a pharmacy to fill their scripts of Norco? I have been taking them for a few years now for my chronic pain. I always go to the same pharmacy chain, and its always the same doctor who writes my scripts, but since the new law change no one seems to have them in stock. Some pharmacists told me it was a manufacturer back order. We are told not to go without our meds, but yet how is that possible if we can't get them? Anyone knows of a pharmacy that has Norco 10/325 in the metro Detroit area?

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Well my doctor was arrested for Medicare fraud with more doctors across the what the hell do I do....? need to find another doctor who prescribes Norco for pain. Anyone know out there?

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TO KEN in Northern Michigan: We used to live in Petoskey & good luck getting PAIN MEDS anywhere in Northern Michigan or Central. When we moved to Farmington Hills, I went to Dr. Guisseppe Paese & he took care of my pain~10/325 Percocet & gave me inj's. when I needed them, & he was GREAT because you couldn't feel them! He is careful & responsible about just giving anyone narcotics, but VERY understanding & compassionate when it comes to pain! Petoskey just ruined my stomach with all the crap they gave me & having to go to their AWFUL hospital every time my back hurt for a TEMPORARY shot! Their Pain Clinic never prescribes narcotics because they make more $$ on inj's.~terrible~ & they do NOT know how to give them or epidurals, especially Dr. Wong~forget it!!! They are CRAZY & VERY UN-COMPASSIONATE in Northern & Central Michigan, so I would MOVE if you want to stay out of pain-seriously. There is also another pain clinic in Warren that my friend goes to & they take good care of her pain to. The Farmington Drug Store~(kitty corner from Speedway gas) either has or can get your order & have your narcotics as your Doctor orders them without waiting a week & they do not play games like some pharmacies I read about on this blog. We live in another State now, but Dr. Paesse (in Livonia) is the BEST in Michigan for controlling your pain. Good Luck to you.

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Sorry to hear about your troubles and I can certainly relate. I've had the exact same problem here in California. New laws passed in 2014 have made the whole system a total mess. My suggestion is to avoid the big pharmacies (Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc) and call around to mom and pop ones. I had some luck with that.

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hi. I just got my RX for Norco 10-325 filled at CVS in Harrison Twp. at crocker and 16mi filled with no problem, and they were the yellow Qualiquest{sp} which relieve the pain better for me. Good luck.

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I called the manufacturer and was told they have plenty, it is the pharmacies that are not ordering! I had a reverse total shoulder replacement arthroplasty and can't get my pain meds! I would think the surgeons would be up in arms, if you can't get pain meds who is going to have surgery!

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Bob I had a medical marijuana card for a year and a half. I sent it back for two reasons. It did not ease my pain one iota and only got me high. I have a CPL to carry firearms. I was up for renewal of my CPL and did not want to risk losing that.

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I'm in the same boat, instead of the law makers enforcing the laws on the books and put the people who misuse or sell there meds in jail, they've turned us all into dopers. I don't want to turn to marijuana but if I can't get my meds I may be forced to take another look at it as it seems it's everywhere!

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That's probably what it is. Too much trouble. I had my doctor lower me from 120 down to 90 and I get it filled that day. The last two months in a row, anyway.

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They can check for you but they wont, the customer service portion of that stopped.

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I was told by CVS just the opposite. A gal there said they don't no how many other stores have at any given time. I think maybe she was lying to me.

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Walgreens is good about it.I live in Ga.No problems here.Not sure where you live.

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Rite at on Pontiac Trail in Wixom had them yesterday. Any chain drug store can check the other stores for you so that you don't have to go without your pain meds.

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Ken - maybe just don't tell them you are on norco. How will they know unless they did a UA? I have on and off severe ear aches that go down into my neck. I have a rare from of adult mastoiditis and have been to urgent care and walk in clinics and they always give me norco. They have made it so hard for us to get our much needed pain medication so now we have to play their game if they want us to play games like they are doing to us then we will do it too if that what it takes to get our pain medication.

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Boy, I'm glad I don't live there. I'm in Oklahoma and every pharmacy everywhere is fully stocked with all meds. Oxycodone is prescribed a whole lot more here than hydrocodone. My RNP told me to call my congressman as it's ridiculous putting this Med in the same class as Oxycontin, Morphine, Demerol and Fentanyl as it's no stronger than Tramadol and now she can't write them. It's all the addicts who RUIN EVERYTHING for people who really need it!

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I don't know that the amount has much to do with it. Mine too is 120 and on my last visit to my pain management DR, I told him about the problem and he said I shouldn't have any trouble this month (meaning last month) and two months in a row, no problem. And I use Walgreens so...go figure.

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You may be on to something here. My script called for 120 per month. I lowered it 90 and for the last two months at CVS I've had my script filled that day.

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Thank you for your reply. I did find a drug store that had them and it's made all the difference after I been getting my weekly inter joint injections. It was extremely painful afterwards for at least 2 days. This is helping to cope with the pain.

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hello, I am 54 years old was in a head on crash in 87 that was really bad. lost my son. had a crushed femur, shattered left wrist, & a left hip replacment. plus as a bonus my leg is a 1" Shorter, from a drunk driver, now after all these years my insurance co decided to make my home handicapped asscessable, in the meantime, when I was in a motel, as they where working on my house, the doctor calls & makes a appointment for a pain management class that I was unaware of. the doctor released me after 12 years never any problems! now here is the main problem! no doctor wants to treat you! if you are on narco-opiates. 7.5 the hospital in northern mich Today as someone told me they could help me, Says Oh! you take narco, we cannot help you! went to several clinics Oh! your taking narco, Sorry we cannot help you! I am out of meds now starting to have pain & withdraws 54 years old never been in trouble! not a felon! Can Anyone Help me? I am disabled. I feel that I have been discriminated again & again any help would be thankful! thank you,

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To the person who just got a prescription for knee pain and can not get it filled in the flint area! Please talk to your doctor; there is a slim chance that he will take the time to help you or at least change your script to something that you can get! I am so sorry that this is happening to you! This needs to be talked about because like you, just because you did not need pain medications; when you did you see what the result is! There is no excuse for this; especially since almost every state now is included in the federal database so they can track what medications all of us are receiving from anywhere in the USA! The database was suppose to have made things better but things have only gotten worse! I hope by the time you read my message you have been able to fill your prescription!

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Im in the Flint area and was just prescribed Norco for severe knee pain. Im receiving shots (Supartz) to stave off a total knee till next year. If anyone has ever had these shots, they are painful for at least 2 days post injection. Im not a narcotic user, but these are painful. Now, trying to fill my first script for Norco is impossible. Im in the Flint Michigan area. If anyone knows of a pharmacy within say a 50 mile radius that I can get my script filled, I would appreciate that.

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