Norco Shortage In Michigan (Page 4)
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Is anyone else having problems finding a pharmacy to fill their scripts of Norco? I have been taking them for a few years now for my chronic pain. I always go to the same pharmacy chain, and its always the same doctor who writes my scripts, but since the new law change no one seems to have them in stock. Some pharmacists told me it was a manufacturer back order. We are told not to go without our meds, but yet how is that possible if we can't get them? Anyone knows of a pharmacy that has Norco 10/325 in the metro Detroit area?

353 Replies (18 Pages)

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Paul - I totally agree with you speaking about how a fictional God is going to help us take away or ease our chronic deblilitating pain. TNTC please stop your preaching seriously because that is really all you are doing and being opinionated too. If God could take away my pain why hasn't he done so in the last 16 years that I have had unbearable nerve pain in my neck and back? Huh? I'm sure you will have an answer for that one too. If you are not going to give any of us on this thread some solid informative information than please don't write anything at all. Oh and go to church you say? We can't even get out of bed or even drive half the time - hey church that's the way to go. lol

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Oh give it a rest TNTC. God has nothing to do with it. When I'm suffering in pain - anyone for that matter - there is no god. There is nothing that can make that pain go away but medicine and/or surgery to correct the cause of the pain. Wishing and praying doesn't do a damn bit of good. Laying in bed writhing and crying out in pain, calling upon a non-existent god for help? Good luck with that. There is a reason the medicine works: It is real.

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Listen Patty. I know you may feel upset when I say this, yet I am ok with it since I can't sit by and watch you say the things you just said without saying anything. You have got to control your frustrations. I know it's not easy and God knows I have a lot of work to do on mine also, so don't think I am speaking from a know-it-all-perspective. You have to just let go and let God. I don't know if you used to or you still do, but you have lost your connection with God, and God forbid you have a lower rock bottom, but it's time for you to find some peace, and you're not meant to find it death. You have to find it in life. In church. In God. InYOU. You've lost your appreciation for all the small things that you are blessed with because you are so consumed with the unfairness of being denied your relief, and are stuck in a rut of self-pity. But your pain is obviously deeper than physical. You need to go to church to either service, or alone. Go to his house and give him all your worries, all your frustrations and every ounce of pain. You've got to connect with him and I promise he will take away your suffering and help you find your peace again. God is always there, but you have to ask him in all faith for help. I don't mean to get all holy-roller on you, but I've been there and sometimes we need to be reminded that he is there, waiting for you to throw your hands up and let it all go. Please take care of yourself Patty. Make sure that includes your heart. You are worthy of a better life. Believe that.

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Jimmy you really took the time to write that? LOL

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You are an addict no more medicine for you.

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Pattycakes, I hope you're still around to read this. I understand and sympathize but that does nothing to help your pain. If not for my wife I too would follow your lead and check out of this miserable, uncaring life. Oh it's not just this life, it's this country's dictatorial stance on drugs in general. Pot is a Sched. I drug? Gimme a break. My wife has a great neurosurgeon who implanted her morphine pain pump and has it at a level she is relatively pain free. Unfortunately my condition is not as bad as hers so I must continue to shop for a doc and pharmacy that will provide the relief I so desperately need. It is an effed up situation, so if and when you do decide to go for round #2, please do your research and determine a method that is fail-proof. But don't think you'll go to hell for doing so, that is a place for those who are so arrogant and self-righteous that they would deny us relief from a burden imposed by a defective body. At least that is my belief from the perspective of an agnostic. I admire your courage and bravery. One day I may see you on the other side. Best wishes.

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Missy, you can get pain meds at Publix? That's strange. I'm on Xanax and Soma but when I took my Tylenol 4 to Publix the pharmacist said that due to the other meds she would not fill my 4's. Again with the god complex. As for "patient's rights" that has been out the window for some time now. If you want anything for pain you must sign away those rights. I agree that it is not the pharmacist's business to ask about your history or demand it before considering filling your scripts. But if you don't play the game you don't get the candy.

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Pattycakes - your post brought tears to my eyes but please don't commit suicide - then it's like the bastards have won. I know it is extremely difficult going through withdrawals and pain as I have been through it more times than I want to count. If I don't have some kind of pain meds every day I can't even get out of bed much less move around all day. You are worth more than the bastards that are doing this to all of us - please hang in there it will get better it has to - I don't know how but it just has to.

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I disagree ... I had a pain management doctor who I had been seeing for quite some time and last year the large pharmacies quit filling my prescriptions from him. In a last ditch effort to get medication at Christmas time, my primary care doctor took my script that the pain specialist game me and re-wrote it for the same medication and the pharmacy then filled it in 30 minutes. That however has been the last medication that I have been able to get! Unfortunately I was unsuccessful at committing suicide and then had to spend weeks in a psych ward in debilitating pain! I am finally home and getting ready for a more successful attempt number 2 .... this is not going to change and neither is my body! F*** all of the bastards that think a sixty year old woman who has had a morphine pump implanted but is not working because the hospital that my doctor practiced out of would not take my HMO insurance! These are condescending bastards that do not want people to die but instead want us to suffer! F*** them all and I will see them in hell!

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I filled out the petition on the thread shortage in" Detroit area".

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TO: things need to change - no, the link, for your petition, still has not shown up on any of your posts. I will sign any petition, as I'm certain others will, who are suffering from this catastrophe. I read a story, from a member of the DEA, who stated that this debacle is NOT their doing. It is the pharmacies and their staff who are 'playing God' with our lives. I will try to find the article, and post it (although I thought that I had already done that). Florida pain patients, especially those in Central FL, do NOT even attempt to fill your scripts at Walgreens or CVS. They will NOT fill them! Every month, I go back and forth, between Walmart and Publix pharmacies, and (even on the same day, even within a couple of hours) I am told a different story, by a different person. The last time I got my Rx for generic Norco 10/325 mg, I saw a female pharmacist, outside the pharmacy, speaking with two Walmart employees, who I assumed to be store managers. I asked to speak with her privately, told her that, in addition to my long-term, chronic pain, for which I am on Disability, I have hypertension, a heart condition, and a family history of brain aneurysm (my mother), which is highly hereditary; and, how an abrupt withdrawal from my meds could potentially cause very serious consequences, and even death, she assured me that my prescription would be filled. It was, almost two days late, but it was filled. It's the same every month. It is also a violation of my PHI and HIPAA rights, to have to explain my multiple conditions to a pharmacist, when my doctor knows all about my conditions, is a highly regarded physician, and one whom I have follow-up appts with every 3 months. We are at the mercy of not just pharmacists, but pharmacy tech's, who have not been to school and received any type of degree. I will do more research, and try to provide a link that proves the DEA is not responsible for the actions of these pharmacies.

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I know what you're saying and I understand. But right now my liver and kidneys are not hurting me, it's my back that's killing me. I've got all kinds of documentation that says so but it's not good enough to get me the kind of pain meds I did before the big crackdown.

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Yes I realize that a GP can write a script for virtually anything, but the pharmacies (around Florida at least) are refusing to fill those. Only pain management scripts are being filled and that is if you can find a pharmacy that has the pills you've been prescribed on hand and are willing to part with them. The pharmacist on duty is god in that little area of the building. If he looks at the state database and sees you are taking other meds (such as Xanax, Soma, etc.) he can refuse to fill your script on the premise that HE thinks you're taking too much and HE is not willing to put his name on the line in case you overdose and your family wants to sue the store. At least that is the reasoning I've been told. My GP was giving me scripts for Norco 10/325 at 6/day. After the new law? No one had them. And those that did said they would not prescribe them to me due to the diagnostic code. But that is another story. That is why I asked my GP to switch me to APAP 300/codeine 60. It's better than nothing.

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And unfortunately, if you don't have good insurance or income, you can take more tylenol than you're suppose to but the drs won't increase your pain meds so you don't have to supplement it with tylenol.

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Paul extreme caution with Tylenol 4, be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage of Acetaminophen, or liver and kidney damage will occur, Good Luck

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Sorry Missy! I had posted it but the link didn't show? So it's up now! I wish I had someone more professional to write it since I was in a lot of pain and emotion when I wrote it! And PAUL- a GP can write a prescription for anything. I have had a GP for over a year an half now. I used to go to a Pain Clinic for 4 1/2 years. Had inj's., physical therapy, traction, and then lost my job and they promised to work something out for me and wouldn't just kick me off. Within two appointments, since I could only come up with $100 on December 23 instead of $150 they called me said I was done and they would begin writing me scripts to wean me off my meds. So they basically were going to leave me with no type of pain relief whatsoever. I've never felt so disregarded in my life and did lots of crying. Yet I just went and got a GP and now all I have for relief is meds and at home PT. This is a cruel cruel world.

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Just got off the phone with them and they asked me to bring it in so they can print the label for it. I picked up 2 scripts that day and they said perhaps it was in the bag with all the info in it. I'd already tossed that.

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I will call them and ask them what they want me to do. I've already tossed out the bag and stuff but I'll let you know what they say about it.

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As far as the Norco's (and most other opiates) the general rule is that unless a pain management specialist - not a GP - writes the script then you are not going to get them under any circumstances. Then again as most have noticed that since Big Brother, a.k.a. the Drug Eradication Agency (D.E.A.) has told manufacturers to cut WAY back on making these meds, there is a big shortage and distributors are hoarding the meds for preferred patients. If at all possible, give it up, forget about it or you'll drive yourself crazy. I switched to generic Tylenol 4, four a day was as much as my GP would prescribe. Yeah it's not the same thing but it helps. Also Gabapentin along with seems to do alright. Big Brother does not care though they say they're doing it for our benefit. As if those of us in true need and not just looking for a fix is going to overdose or improperly use our much needed medication much less sell it on the street. If only I were the King of America...

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TO: Thingsneedtochange, Post 269 - you mentioned that you started a petition. I am sure that we would all like to add our names, but you did not provide a link, or instructions, as to how we can do this. More information, please. Thank You.

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