Norco Shortage In Michigan (Page 4)


Is anyone else having problems finding a pharmacy to fill their scripts of Norco? I have been taking them for a few years now for my chronic pain. I always go to the same pharmacy chain, and its always the same doctor who writes my scripts, but since the new law change no one seems to have them in stock. Some pharmacists told me it was a manufacturer back order. We are told not to go without our meds, but yet how is that possible if we can't get them? Anyone knows of a pharmacy that has Norco 10/325 in the metro Detroit area?

353 Replies (18 Pages)

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I wrote TV 2 Detroit.....that was 4 days ago. Haven't heard anything . On radio or TV..........they can report all the other crap, but who cares about the people going thru unnecessary pain because of the damm government !

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Is there a limit on how many pills you can get monthly now? Say you get 240 (that's taking 2 pills 4 times a day), I've been hearing peoples prescriptions have been cut in 1/2 now due to the new law

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What the heck is going on. People are in pain. They don't have norcor but are willing to give morphine. I don't understand how all of a sudden nobody has this mdication.

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There are so many stories that know one can tell what's true. I've heard on back order, labeling issues, delivery, or the manufacturer has already reached their limit they can produce for the year. The way I look at it, no matter what the druggies will still find a way, just means the people who actually need it gets to suffer, and turn to who knows what just to get some relief.

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Ok folks....good news. I just got my Norco script filled !! 10/325 in Mt. Clemens at Sav On Drugs on Walnut st. in downtown Mt. Clemons. It took an hour to fill but I got it filled !

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Ok folks....good news. I just got my Norco script filled !! 10/325 in Mt. Clemens at Sav On Drugs on Walnut st. in downtown Mt. Clemons. It took an hour to fill but I got it filled ! AND THEY ARE THE YELLOW ONES !

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And yes my script was for 160 .....yellow Norcos. the number for Sav on Drugs in Mt. Clemons on Walnut street. Downtown Mt. Clemons is 586-468-0597 .....

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Not true ! As long as you have a valid paper script, it can be filled.

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My doc gave me 2 scripts at my last appointment. He didn't write "do not fill til" on the second one, what does that mean I read they had to write do not fil til on them

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???? I couldn't tell you wondering. You would have to call your and check it out.

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Fort Worth, Texas here...I have been on 4 10/325s for back pain for a year now. I went to my pain mgt. dr. on Friday and I could tell "something" was up. He asked me about my pharmacy (I use Walgreens). He said that they were out, and I said that I could "pick up at CVS where my wife fills her prescriptions." He called his assistant in and asked her about the availability of 10s at Walgreens - I told her the same thing about CVS - but she said that "I had to use the pharmacy on my paperwork." She started calling around and found that neither CVS or Walgreens had any available). My doctor muttered something about "shortage" and "government". He eventually called MY Walgreens and found out that they had 5s. He wrote me a scrip for 140 (leaves me 100 pill short taking 8 5s a day to equal the 4 10s that I was taking). I left his office and when I doubled back to ask him what I was supposed to do he said "nothing I can do, see you in a month" - then he closed his office door. F***. I guess I am going to have to taper.

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Dear Annoyed...sorry you were right. I apologize....

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Condor, I was right about the amount you can get now?

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Dear Painfully Annoyed.....I was talking about you getting your script filled.....I just got mine filled today....

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AS far as I know I've only gotten 180 per month. I'm sure your Dr. wouldn't write a script that was wrong.........

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I had a valid paper script...I called seven pharmacies and they were out. It had nothing to do with how my prescription was written.

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Dear Annoyed...Save a Lot Pharmacy in Mt. Clemens on Walnut St. Downtown....(586) 468-0597. That's where I got mine filled this afternoon bout 3:00pm

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I have been trying to fill my script for 2 wks now with no end in sight. I take four 10-325's per day. All the pharmacy's I've checked are out. I was told there was a "run" on Norcos and they can't keep up. I hope they are not switching these around with an inferior off brand. I've been using the yellow ones with a check mark on them for years. I've kept extras for a rainy day and it has paid off as I'm good for at least another month. I worry about my pharmacy as they have my written script from my Doctor and hope they fill these according to when they were submitted.

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That's strange that the pharmacy kept your script if they cant fill it. I was told they cant do that by more than one pharmacy. I asked if I could leave script and they could fill whenever it comes in and call me, because I was tired of being rejected, and walking out of the pharmacy with my tail between my legs. One even told me it was illegal, and they could only accept script if they can fill it. which of course no one can !!! good luck !!!!!

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I said month, I meant week.

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