Norco Shortage In Michigan (Page 14)


Is anyone else having problems finding a pharmacy to fill their scripts of Norco? I have been taking them for a few years now for my chronic pain. I always go to the same pharmacy chain, and its always the same doctor who writes my scripts, but since the new law change no one seems to have them in stock. Some pharmacists told me it was a manufacturer back order. We are told not to go without our meds, but yet how is that possible if we can't get them? Anyone knows of a pharmacy that has Norco 10/325 in the metro Detroit area?

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The white ones with the red dots are a weaker Norco. They are only 5/325 instead of 10/325. The yellows are very few and far between as they do not manufacture them anymore. Watson does make one that looks just like the yellow, but it's white. Works the same to me. No im not talking about the generic Norcs the M367, those are junk they don't work as well as the Watson's. So if they are giving you the ones with the pink/red dots, your dr changed your script or they do not have any 10/325 and are going to double you up with 5/325.

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I don't understand what you mean by they are not manufacturing the yellow norco anymore because I just got my rx re-filled yesterday at Walgreens and they are the yellow onces 10/325 with the V on them by Qualitest. I thought the white ones with the red dots were made by Watson as I have some old ones of those and they make me sick.

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The ones with the red dots are Watson 5/325 the yellow ones are the 10/325 they are also Watson.the white ones are the 7.5/325.

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Got lucky this month as my regular CVS pharmacy had enough to fill my script. Something very odd happened that I wanted to ask others about. Have you ever received your script without a label attached to the plastic bottle? I did so I just wrote the date on it so I'll know when to refill. That's never happened to me until 2 days ago. Odd

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Im currently in full blown withdrawals, sick as a dog. All the pharmacies in my town are out of the meds that my Doctor prescribed. Has anyone thought about filing a legal suit for unnecessary pain and suffering? This is beyond BS.

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Oh trust me. I feel your pain. I have been going through withdrawals all weekend. Friday - Saturday I called around 50 pharmacies. I can't even walk and my legs give out on me constantly. I went to put my tiny dogs wintercoat on and my legs gave out and it lost my balance and fell over a table and into a craft box. I didn't even know till that night I banged my head so hard on the wall I have a huge bruised goose egg on my forehead. I've had to double up my percocets and been out. I'm lost. I just feel like giving up. I can't take much more of this.

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Please ask your doctor to write you vicodin HP 10/300 mg. it has a generic copay not a brand name copay so should not cost you alot out of pocket. Alot of people think they can't get Vicodin because it is a brand name and will cost way too much but Vicodin made by Abvie has a generic copay for everyone who gets their vicodin I dont know why but this is also what they say on their website. It is the same thing as Norco so for now you can get that and get some pain relief because I have always been able to get that and Walgreens will order it for you if you ask but they usually just have it on the shelf anyway. I hope this helps someone going through withdrawals because that is the worst thing to go through in the world and not getting any pain relief. This has got to stop something has to change and soon.

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I feel your pain i have scoliosis of the spine degenerative disk disease and joint disease.there not a second that goes by that i am not in pain,thanks to the drug abusers out there i cant find my meds either,but i now realize because of the abuse the dea and the fda will find a way in the near future to band all opiates and leave us to deal with the pain and withdraws.the government doesn't care about people with chronic pain the only thing they care about is there pocket books and getting votes and champagne donations that they if you are chronic pain suffer like i am prepare yourselfs to get off all meds because its coming.

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Ok. I started a petition to congress and the president. PLEASE PLEASE SHARE THIS! It's not a guarantee yet it's something! Please help!

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If you have insurance, Call Customer Service & explain to them that the participating pharmacies on their plan (which you pay them for every month) will not fill your prescriptions. If they cannot find you a pharmacy then kindly explain to the Insurance company "they are in breach of contract." Apparently when you sign up with an insurance co. it is a contract. They may be able to at least find you someone via mail order pharmacy to fill your script.If not, file a complaint. It was the only way after 26 days of looking, that I was able to fill my prescription. At least for now, until this whole mess, hopefully, gets straightened out. I took that advice from Pharmacist Steve. He is an advocate on line & will help you in these hard times.

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Beagle, it is against the law for a pharmacy to give someone a prescription without a label on the bottle.

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I had my pain management write a prescription for Tylenol/3#,to avoid withdrawal and help with my back pain. I take norco 10mg I live in Long Beach, CA.

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TO: Thingsneedtochange, Post 269 - you mentioned that you started a petition. I am sure that we would all like to add our names, but you did not provide a link, or instructions, as to how we can do this. More information, please. Thank You.

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As far as the Norco's (and most other opiates) the general rule is that unless a pain management specialist - not a GP - writes the script then you are not going to get them under any circumstances. Then again as most have noticed that since Big Brother, a.k.a. the Drug Eradication Agency (D.E.A.) has told manufacturers to cut WAY back on making these meds, there is a big shortage and distributors are hoarding the meds for preferred patients. If at all possible, give it up, forget about it or you'll drive yourself crazy. I switched to generic Tylenol 4, four a day was as much as my GP would prescribe. Yeah it's not the same thing but it helps. Also Gabapentin along with seems to do alright. Big Brother does not care though they say they're doing it for our benefit. As if those of us in true need and not just looking for a fix is going to overdose or improperly use our much needed medication much less sell it on the street. If only I were the King of America...

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I will call them and ask them what they want me to do. I've already tossed out the bag and stuff but I'll let you know what they say about it.

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Just got off the phone with them and they asked me to bring it in so they can print the label for it. I picked up 2 scripts that day and they said perhaps it was in the bag with all the info in it. I'd already tossed that.

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Sorry Missy! I had posted it but the link didn't show? So it's up now! I wish I had someone more professional to write it since I was in a lot of pain and emotion when I wrote it! And PAUL- a GP can write a prescription for anything. I have had a GP for over a year an half now. I used to go to a Pain Clinic for 4 1/2 years. Had inj's., physical therapy, traction, and then lost my job and they promised to work something out for me and wouldn't just kick me off. Within two appointments, since I could only come up with $100 on December 23 instead of $150 they called me said I was done and they would begin writing me scripts to wean me off my meds. So they basically were going to leave me with no type of pain relief whatsoever. I've never felt so disregarded in my life and did lots of crying. Yet I just went and got a GP and now all I have for relief is meds and at home PT. This is a cruel cruel world.

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Paul extreme caution with Tylenol 4, be careful not to exceed the recommended dosage of Acetaminophen, or liver and kidney damage will occur, Good Luck

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And unfortunately, if you don't have good insurance or income, you can take more tylenol than you're suppose to but the drs won't increase your pain meds so you don't have to supplement it with tylenol.

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