Nootropil Forums
Recently active Nootropil forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Nootropil and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.My Father , 60 years old, had suffered brain stroke in his left brain in 2008. After that he had consulted a doctor who had given him Ecospin 75 and Glycomate 500 since he is suffering from diabetes for the last 15 years. He is taking Glycomate 500 since last 2008. Before that he didn't take any medicine for diabetes, since it was under control. Recently, just a week before , he was diagnosed with another brain stroke in his right brain. After consulting a cardiologist and a neurologist, cardiologist has advised him to take strocit plus daily 2 tablets for 2 weeks or Nootropil syrup 2 tsp per day for 2 weeks and maxgalin 75, 1 tab daily for a month. Neurologist has advised him to take strocit plus (2 tab each day for 2 weeks) along with maxgalin 75. My question is since he is suffering
UpdatedHi i have been prescriped deanxit for dep-anxity and was wondering is there drug intrCtion between deanxit and those drug .....1-nootropil.2-ginsing.3-coffee arabica.3-fish oil.4-marijuana .5-cold and flu meds which contain:-dxm.pseuephadrine.guafnsin. 6-multi vitamin supllement??
UpdatedNootropill for adhd for a 11 year old she doesn't take adderal anymore it stunt her growth intuitive doesn't work anymore for her.she also has neurofibromatosis too witch causes her severe Ashford please help she is having trouble at school kids don't understand her that torment her ## She has sever adhd not Ashford typo wanting to know more about nootropil ## What else has her doctor advised? This contains the active ingredient Piracetam and there's little data available on its effects and ability to help with anything. You can learn more about it here:
for what purpose these medicines are given ## aa ## for what purpose is pantocid l used for? ## My aged mom is suffering from Dementia. We have used various drugs but in vain. A friend of mine tells me that Encephabol or Piracetam drugs might help. Could you tell me as per your opinion what Brand/name drugs containing Piracetam are available in India so that I can ask my doctors?