No Sure What Pain Meds I Should Be Taking.
UpdatedI was in a rear end car accident which left me with horrific pain on the left side of my neck and down into my shoulder and arm. I've had numerous tests, but nothing comes up as wrong. My pain doctor, who is also an anesthesiologist, believes the problem has to do with nerve damage in my facet joints which does not show on tests. It can only be diagnosed post mortem. The pain is horrible and growing. I'm in the process of going through nerve block testing and if that is successful he will destroy those nerves. Meanwhile, I've been on various pain meds. I was just taken off 40mgs of Oxycodone per day and put on Oxycontin 15mgs 3 times per day. It seems to be less effective than the Oxycodone. I was taken off the Oxycodone because it wasn't working as well after taking it for 2 months. Does anyone have any suggestions. I'm in such terrible pain, I'm in tears all the time. Thank God I work from home, but I'm finding I'm less and less able to be effective at my job due to the pain and the side effects of the meds.
2 Replies
Hello, Whiplashed! How are you doing? I am so very sorry about what you're going through.
If your pain is due to nerve damage, you may actually benefit more from one of the medications that work directly on nerve pain.
There are a couple approved by the FDA for this use, including Gabapentin and Pregabalin. They are both anticonvulsants that help with nerve pain and their typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, weight gain and dry mouth.
I'm not a doctor, just giving you an idea of something you could ask your doctor about.
Does anyone else have any suggestions?
Has your pain dr prescribed any meds that are specifically for nerve pain ? You also need to see a Neurologist for a Nerve Study, that will show if you have nerve damage and the extent of it. I'm not sure why you dr told you that there is no way of knowing, because that isn't true. Perhaps he just want to charge you for the procedures he is doing.
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