No Period After 10 Days Of Taking Provera (Top voted first)


Hi! last october 2016, my period didn't came. I only had some spotting for 4 days. I went to my Obgyne to check if I'm pregnant or not. The result of my pregnancy test was negative. She then told me to do a Trans-V Ultrasound and later on, we found out that I have PCOS. She then told me to drink Provera for 10 days so that I'll have my period and to take Althea Pills on the very first day of my period. However, it's been 5 days now since I took my 10th Provera but still, my period didn't come. What should I do now? Should I start taking Althea Pills even without my period? Or should I wait a bit longer for my period to come? Anyone out there who experienced the same as I did?

3 Replies

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Same thing happened to me. I was prescribed with 10 provera but my mens did not arrived. I went to my Ob and told me to wait atleast 5days, she prescribed me with another 5 provera incase my mens did not arrive. On the 5th day my mens arrived and she then gave me althea. :)

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Re: Riane (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. Did you take provera twice a day?
Or 10 days for 1 tab per day.
I take it. Twice a day within 5 days.
And i dont have my mens still

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My ob told me sometimes it will take 2 weeks bago mag effect

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