No Motion For 5 Days (Top voted first)


Hi, I have not released my stools for last 5 days. Daily i tried to go and enforce it but not coming out. Please help. 5 days back i got blood while releasing motion and i have to push hard to release the motion. Is there any tablet to release the motion which i didnt have for last 5 days. Please help.

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My mother is not getting motion since 5 days and also vomiting sensation. Her age 80.

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For general constipation you can try things such as high fiber foods that are known to stimulate bowel movements. For example, foods such as prunes. I've also taken a shot of olive oil in the past and that seemed to help. There are also over the counter constipation remedies which can be easily found. I know out where I live one popular brand is MiraLax. There is also Senna herb (Senecot) which can help. Dulcolax is another over the counter drug which is a stool softener.

Some drugs (such as opioids) are known to cause constipation when taking for awhile. However - I should also say that for more serious constipation (like 5 days worth), and if it is accompanied by any other symptoms such as nausea, I would highly recommend going to the Dr so that they can perform a proper checkup and ensure that there is not a bowel or intestinal obstruction.

I hope this helps someone!

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My mother age 65 no stool from last 5 days using medicine but no use. Can you help on this with any recommendations?

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Hi I have not gone for motion since 5 days. What to do? please suggest me.

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