No Bleeding After First Use Of Cytotec (Page 9)
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I am 37 days pregnant, after the first use of 2 cytotec tabs inserted after a few hours I had cramps but no bleeding. Is it possible I wouldn't bleed at all bcos the test shows no sign of pregnancy? Kindly advise asap. Tnx.

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Hi everyone, i need help. I took 6 cytotec last monday 12/16/13 at around 12:15am 2 taken orally and 2 inserted. At 3:00am took 1 cyto orally and 1 insterted. At 8:00 am i bleed but not heavy bleeding for 2-3days then today 12/19/13 i took 2 cytotec placed under my tongue and kept it for 30mins then swallowed it and insterted 8 cyto in my vagina. Timecheck 4:15pm 12/19/13 i am still not bleeding. I havent eaten for 28hrs straight only water. What is happening? Please help me. And also i just kept on pooping.

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Please didi,was the abortion ok after that?cos I have the same situation

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my gf was 2 months pregnant.she took up 12 tablets of misoprostol. She still cramps until now but no bleeding.then there is a brownies thumb size tissue from her vagina.
Is the aborion succesful.?

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Hey ive took 24 pills in 3 days n still no cramps no bleeding jus fever can somebody give me some answers im 26yrs old n married really hate doing this but has no other choice plz give me some answers can i die takin this many pill? y its nt wking im scared

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Hi guys I desparatly need some answers I am 3months preg my phamasist told me I should take a fill dose which is 14 tabs invert 2 and drink 3 every hr I had slite cramps and regular diarrhea but its been More than 24 hrs since with no bleeding at all cramps and diarrhea has stopped so now I'm clueless as to what's happening don't no whats my next move help me pplz was the abortion success full?

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Hi I took misoprostol on monday and I only bleed on that day and later that day the bleeding stopped and now I am stressed help plz and other thing i got cleaned at the clinic so will I still be preg n I'm still feeling neusea

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Kaira,how are you now? Same situation here. Can you tell what actions you done? Its been a month since you posted here.

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HI barbie girl,same situation. I only bled for 3 days with a thumb size clots of blood. I took, 2 cytotec orally plus methergne and 2 vag. Im worried if incomplete. What happened to you? I plan to take another dose.but first need a test if its succesful.

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i took cytotec,2 orally and 2 virginally when i was a week and 2 pregnant. I had cramps for 2 days but i did not bleed..i waited for another week then i took another dose but this time inserted all 4, i had cramps too but did not bleed. Its 72 hours and i am stil not very worried n desperate.pls help me..very urgent.. Thank you.

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i take one tablet last night orally and one in vagina.. i do experienced cramps but still not bleeding. is my abortion not successful?

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Hello my LMP was sep.12 and I test several times but still negative then yesterday night about 1030pm I took 4oral cytotec then 4 vaginally I been chilling and have discomport and cramping but until now not bleeding just likewater come out pls help me what to do thanx

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I am five month and two weeks pregnant and took the cytotec pill over 5 hours ago bt still no bleeding olny cramps,fever and a runny stomuch is it normal?

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i take 3 misoprostol last night.. i feel cramps on my stomach but theres no bleeding... what is that mean

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Hi, I am 5 weeks pregnant according to Ultra Scan.
I took 4 pills of misoprostol only (there's no mifepristone in my locality), and 5 hours later, I took another 4 pills-- all orally. But uptil now, i.e. after 2 days I have not seen any bleeding except some cramping and some white discharge. Whats wrong and whats the white discharge.
Pls help me out. My exams starts 18th this month (November, 2013)

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I'm 3months half na lastnyt I take cytotec pill but until now there's no bleeding in my vigana..please help me ayouko po mdala ako sa hospital .
May insert po na 3 tapos 2 po ung ininum po
Text lng po
{edited for privacy}

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Hi....pls I used cytotec 2days ago,I bled 4house d nxt day it stops.........can can b wronge? Ws d bortion a Success or I sud tke cytoteec gain

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hi.I am 1wk pregnant. 4hours ago I take 4 tabs of misoprotol orally and I put 4 tabs in vagina. I feel cramps but still no bleed coming out. how many hours to wait before I gt bleed?

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hi Mercy & esskay
same is the matter with me no bleeding just cramp and pain and white discharge, please please help me what to do i repeat this 2 times

i need help urgent please, i can't go to the doctors because i am belonging from country where abortion is consider religiously wrong and permission able please help me

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I took 1600mcg of misoprotol within 24 hours for a 21 days old pregnancy. Had slightly severe cramps,fever and creamy discharge dat had little clot on it. 2day is the second day n still no bleeding. Did it abort? Or do I still need 2 repeat d process

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Went for a lab test and was was confirmed pregnant, took misoprostol 3 tablets, had pains but but ddidn't bleed, is d abortion succesfull?

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