Nitrogard Forums
Recently active Nitrogard forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Nitrogard and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.As said in title, a small round white pill with kind of rounded sides with a 2 on one side only and nothing else on either side. No line, no letter, just a 2. It's not flat because of the 2 poofy sides. That's it! Thank you. ## Hi Lin, From what I could gather, a white round pill with a 2 on one side and blank on the other, fits the description of a 2mg Nitrogard (nitroglycerin) tablet. This medication is indicated for use in treating high blood pressure, angina, and a number of other heart related ailments. For verification, I'd encourage you to get in touch with the manufacturer whom at the time was reported to be Forest Labs (also referred to as Forest Pharmaceuticals). NOTE - in early 2014 Forest Labs was acquired by Allergan; who later on in 2014 was then acquired by Ac...