Nitrofuratoin And Tingling / Dull Ache In One Leg And Foot And Ache In Buttocks.
UpdatedI have been taking 4 x 50mg of Nitrofuratoin per day for 2 days and yesterday felt much better with my UTI, however, last night I then started to develop a dull ache, tingling slight numbness in my buttocks and my right leg and foot, it comes and goes in the feeling and its not painful or anything and I have felt it before in the past but not sure when. I've been reading though that it can cause serious nerve damage, often permanant so I'm worried. I did call my Doctor first thing this morning but it could be hours before she calls me back. Have other people had this? Could it be that i am getting these side effects because I have Fibromyalgia?
1 Reply
Hi, Emma! Sorry about the problems you're experiencing.
Yes, some people do experience these types of issues from taking Nitrofurantoin.
Have you heard from your doctor, yet? How old are you?
This medication isn't recommended for seniors, because they tend to experience more severe side effects and problems from it.
But there have been people of every age that have posted about these types of problems.
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