Nitrofurantion Momomac 100mg Caps (Top voted first)
UpdatedStandard Black/yellow capsule Side 1 E122 May cause drowsiness. Use Care when operating a Car or Dangerous Machinery. May color urine or feces. Take wih food or milk.
8 Replies
i am taking nitrofurantoin mono/mac 100 mg tabs which are black and yellow and i have been very sick since i started this medicine. i could not eat for 4 days just some liquid and a headache and slept all day long with no problem. i feel like someone gave me poison. i have a prolapsed bladder and this is the second time i have had an infection since feb. 2011 and now again . i took the same medicine the first time and was sick and nauseated a lot with headache but had to take 12 days to get infection better. does this have any sulfur products in it at all. my mouth has broken out in sores inside and the outside i have a reddish rash which looks awful and feels awful too. i have a right sided trigeminal nerve distribution allergy to a medicine given to me by my doctor when i had a back injury. now i have a lot of trouble taking any antibiotics. i get sores in my mouth and on outside and can hardly eat at all. will this medicine cure my bladder bacteria problem. should the urine be drained out which has the bacteria in it so i can get well? thank you very much
I started taking this same medication on Sunday night for a urinary tract infection. 2 days after taking the medication I feel exactly the same way. I have a horrible headache I'm able to eat a little bit, but just feel overall sick. Whats up with this????
I started taking this medicine the same day I got the flu shot. The next day I was sick as a dog! I'm going on day 5 with shortness of breath, coughing, dry heaves, headaches, & lots of sleeping very little eating.
I started taking this medication this past Thursday night. Friday I had flu like symptoms, chills, body aches and was in bed all day Friday, Saturday, and went to the urgent care on Sunday because I did not sleep Saturday night because of heart burn. Woke up Sunday with heart racing and nausea. Urgent care placed me on IV and would up sending me to er. My urine was brown. They checked my gallbladder and indicate it was fine. Today I got a call back from the urgent care who indicates my liver enzymes are 3-4 x higher than it should be. Following up with Dr. today.
Nitrofurantoin, the active ingredient in Macrobid is an antibiotic that's most commonly used to treat UTIs.
It may cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, dizziness and diarrhea.
Learn more Macrobid details here.
As to the other symptoms that were experienced by the people that posted, some are unusual, but can be explained if they were also dehydrated or elderly, as recent warnings have been issued that this medication should not be used in the elderly.
Are there any other comments or questions?
Can you take this, nitrofurantoin mono/mac if you are allergic to sulfamethoxazole? I had a bad allergic reaction twice to this that put me in the hospital so am wondering if this has any sulfur or anything that i will have allergic reaction to ??
I started this medicine on Monday, went to work and felt extremely tired. took another dose that night, and had a very difficult time getting up for work after sleeping 10 hours. (which is very unusual.) I had to get someone to cover for me that day. I went home and slept forever. I would wake up with shortness of breath, and a weird cough. Terrible headache, and nerve tingling all over. I'm not taking this stuff anymore.
Re: Deb (# 3)
I did the same thing! I had chills so bad for like 5 hrs and could not eat woke up with sore muscles dizzy too
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