Niaspan Forums
Recently active Niaspan forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Niaspan and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.found in some napkins at my teenager room ## Abbott Laboratories lists this tablet as being Niaspan, which contains 500mgs of Niaspan. It is a supplement that is used to treat, or prevent a deficiency in it. The FDA warns that its side effects may include nausea, headache, dizziness, and flushing. The inactive ingredients may include: povidone stearic acid titanium dioxide ferric oxide red FD&C Yellow No. 6 ferric oxide yellow hypromelloses polyethylene glycol But they may vary depending on the manufacturing facility. Is there anything else I can help with?
White capsule with KVC on one side and 1000 on the other ## Hi Cenic, The closest match I'm finding to your description is that of a white capsule-shaped/oblong pill marked with "KOS" on one side and "1000" on the other. This pill is identified as Niaspan ER 1000 mg; used in the treatment of high cholesterol, niacin deficiency, and more. Manufacturer: Kos Pharmaceuticals Does this sound like a possible match considering that the imprint isn't far off? ## Kind of, however the part where I run into problems is that the imprint says KVC very clearly. I found it in my room and am curious due to the fact I don't take any medicine. ## It's a vitamin C pill. Nothing to worry about. They're very popular in South Korea.
expiration date is 9/2013. Is it ok to take yet? need to take again for cholesterol med. very costly stuff ## Hello, Mike! Your doctor may approve your taking it, but most medications tend to degrade with time due to exposure to the elements, so they can't be guaranteed to be fully effective past the expiration date. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Niaspan as possibly including nausea, facial flushing, dry skin, diarrhea and flatulence. Is there anything else I can help with?
Expiration date is 3 years ago. Is it safe to take? Is its efficacy lessened? It's very expensive - hate to dispose of. ## Yes, after that long of a period of time, it will definitely have lost efficacy and is most likely not worth trying to take. Learn more Niaspan details here. At this point, it would really be best to just dispose of it and pick up a new prescription if you still need to take it. Is it still prescribed for you?
Can I skip my niaspan pill (1000 mg) a couple times a week, and still get the same results i.e. elevating HDL. I have mild to moderate heart disease. I am concerned about liver damage. ## What has your doctor advised? They would be the best person to advise you in this matter. What other medications do you take?
White oblonged ## The pill in description is Niaspan ER 500 mg; a generic of Niacin, (also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid), that is an organic compound and is one of between 40 to 80 essential human nutrients. Severe deficiency of niacin in the diet causes the disease Pellagra. More details about this medication are available at: Do you have any other quesitons or information to add? Please post back if you do...
is there a side effect such as dreaming weird dreams? ## Did you mean Niaspan? Which contains Niacin and used to help lower cholesterol? This is not listed as a side effect of the medication, but many of them do cause such events. The normal side effects can include: nausea, blurred vision, burning of the skin and bloating. Read more: Are there any questions or comments?
long thin oval like shape peach color one sideKOS other side 500 ## The pill in description is Niaspan 500 mg; a generic of Niacin, also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid, is an organic compound and is one of between 40 to 80 essential human nutrients. Severe deficiency of niacin in the diet causes the disease Pellagra. More details about this medication are available at: Do you have any other quesitons or information to add? Please post back if you do...
white/capsule ## The pill which you are describing is Niaspan 1000 mg, which contains the active ingredient Niacin a.k.a. Vitamin B3. This is used for Niacin deficiency, as a treatment of high cholesterol, and a number of other conditions. You can read more about it at: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...
it's oblong capsle like shape on 1 side it has 1000 and on the other side it has the imprinted letters KOS ## The pill which you are describing is Niaspan 1000 mg, which contains the active ingredient Niacin a.k.a. Vitamin B3. This is used for Niacin deficiency, as a treatment of high cholesterol, and a number of other conditions. You can read more about it at: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...
it has KOS on one side and 1000 on the other side what is it??? ## The pill which you are describing is Niaspan 1000 mg, which contains the active ingredient Niacin a.k.a. Vitamin B3. This is used for Niacin deficiency, as a treatment of high cholesterol, and a number of other conditions. You can read more about it at: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...
old man mixed up his pills and prescriptions and i don't know what is what! this is last one to identify. ## There is a KOS 1000 pill that I know of but it is more of a white to off-white color. Not sure exactly how orange the pill which you are describing is. An image of the one I'm talking about can be viewed here. If you have what I'm describing then it is Niaspan 1000 mg, which contains the active ingredient Niacin a.k.a. Vitamin B3. This is used for Niacin deficiency, as a treatment of high cholesterol, and a number of other conditions. You can read more about it at: Hope this helps! Let me know if this is the one...
peach or orange oval tablet with KOS on one side-500 on the otherside ## The pill in description is Niaspan 500 mg; a generic of Niacin, also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid, is an organic compound and is one of between 40 to 80 essential human nutrients. Severe deficiency of niacin in the diet causes the disease Pellagra. More details about this medication are available at: Do you have any other quesitons or information to add? Please post back if you do...
This medication is indicated for use in managing cholesterol levels. Are there any known side effects? ## SIDE EFFECTS, that may go away during treatment, include a temporary feeling of warmth or flushing of the skin, skin rash, itching, or nausea. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience continued flushing of the skin; vomiting; diarrhea; muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness; changes in vision; fast heart rate; irregular heartbeat; or yellowing of the skin or eyes. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. Drug Info: ## I have been taking Niaspan for a couple of years now and it is expensive. I recently noticed an over the counter version of niacin/inositol (i...