Nexavar Forums
Recently active Nexavar forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Nexavar and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hi. My 18 year old son has AML with flt-3 gene mutation. He has been using a low dose of Nexavar 200mg 2x/day for 2 weeks. It seems to be working after 6 courses of chemo treatments had been ineffective. However, the side effects are severe; nausea, vomiting & diarrhea. Does anyone have any advice on what worked for them? We stay in South Africa, so medications available are quite limited. Looking forward to hearing from others in a similar situation. Kind regards.
UpdatedWould like to hear from anyone who has been a long-term user of Nexavar. I am on my 45th cycle and my oncologist has not had anyone else stay on it for such a long time. We are looking for information on side-effects for long-term users. ## From the lack of responses, I am wondering if Nexavar is used in the USA. I am in South Africa, and we do not have a lot of the facilities, options and drugs that are available there. ## It is available here in the U.S., it just appears that it not the common first choice treatment option. I'm sorry, I wish you'd have gotten some responses and had been provided with more information. I'm glancing over the information listed by the FDA, but there's really nothing on here regarding long-term use. Some of the serious side effects that th...
I would like to know if anyone is on this med and if it working and how are the side effects? Thank you very much ## Hello, Pale Rider! How are you? I'm hoping someone that's been on it will chime in for you soon… As to the side effects from the FDA report, they may possibly include nausea, stomach pain, bleeding gums, nervousness, feeling cold, hearing loss, indigestion and loss of appetite. Can anyone that's been on this medication post about their experience? ## I found out that Nexavar does work very well in most people, side effects rash seems to be the most reported. From light to severe. But that also indicates that the medication is working on shrinking the tumor.
Are you being treated for liver cancer or kidney cancer? Are you currently taking Nexavar? If so, we would like to talk to you. Human Care Systems, a Boston-based company is looking to understand the experience of patients currently using this drug. We are currently conducting 1 hour paid and confidential phone interviews that will focus on participants' experiences being prescribed and using Nexavar. Patients of any age, race, gender and location are encouraged to reach out. Participants will be compensated $50 for a 1-hour phone interview. If interested, please send us an email with the following information: • Your name and phone number • When you were diagnosed, and the specific name of your illness • How long you have been t...
I talked to my oncologist today and he is going to put me on nexavar I was curious as to the percentage of rate of success for this med for liver cancer ## my doctor said he would get me registered on the nexavar program. I am not sure if he will dispense the med or just give me a prescription for the drug. I do not know how much my co-pay will be for the drug. I do have blue cross rx coverage ## Hi Mike, I'm not sure as to the exact percentage from everyone who might be taking nexavar, but based on a moderate number of reviews I've seen, the average rate of success was right around 67% for individuals using it for liver cancer. This is not to say that you'll have the same experience though. Everyone reacts differently to these medications, but it's good to know that it ...
I am currently waiting for a 3 operation to remove bladder cancer and I was wondering if Nexavar was any useful to stop bladder cancer growing and if I could take it. I hope for a quick anwer, thanks. ## Nexavar is a drug approved for the treatment of primary kidney cancer (advanced renal cell carcinoma) and advanced primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma). In my opinion, it sounds like it may be worth a shot to try it and see how it works for you over the coarse of a few weeks. This should be enough time to assess its effectiveness. In addition to this, I would also strongly suggest eating a diet comprised of mostly fresh fruits and vegetables, as in my opinion, eating alkaline foods may be the most helpful in fighting any form of cancer. Hope this helps and I wish you the best...