New White Watson 853 10/325 Problem - What Is Going On!? (Page 5)
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Hello all,

I am a longtime chronic pain sufferer. I have taken opiates for pain for over 10 years. I recently got a prescription filled (from a well known pharmacy chain in the U.S.) and I was given these new Watson 853 white (not yellow) hydro 10/325 pills. I wanted to ask the forum here if any of you have had the same experience with them as I have. I know there are some very smart people with advanced chemistry knowledge here that may have delved deeper into whats going on with these things. They are ineffective for me. I've taken hydrocodone 10/325 for 10+ years and have never ever had a problem with pills being ineffective but that is the case with these pills. I've had about every brand you can think of and never an issue. Ever. I thought nothing of the color change when I got the pills home from the pharmacy... I've had the yellow Watson 853's before and figured they just changed the coloring. I've seen people complain before about differences in brands before, but I've never experienced anything like that.... Mallies, Watson, Qualitst... all the same to me. I didn't start looking around for answers until I noticed these pills were not working well at all. Something is 100% wrong.

Based on some initial research I do see that they have taken the yellow dye out but there are other reports from people with the same issues as I see. Obviously you just don't know how reputable some of these reports are... I've seen posts talk about pharmacists telling the patient that the pills now are structured to release hydrocodone slower (even though its an IR pill... what?)... that Actavis/Watson employees have claimed there could be "kinetic imbalances" in their formulation when upset customers have called them... etc.

The only truth I know is that there is something amiss with these things. Any response would be appreciated from you guys.... experiences/info/links to other similar reports, etc. This is the most frustrating thing I have ever run into and it just doesn't make much sense to me at the moment with whats going on....and the implications this could have if these pills have been truly altered by the manufacturer in some way.

I know it doesn't mean much to just say it on an internet forum, but I'm not the type to cry wolf over something like this. I realize it could be a bad batch I've received, but it looks initially like the problem is more widespread.

TIA for any responses to this thread! I came here because I believe this site has people that have the intelligence/knowledge to get to the bottom of it. Again, any info at all in relation to this would be appreciated greatly.

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Some pill work and some don't. I been taking hydrocodone/acetaminophen 10325 t for five year what is wrong

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I agree with you 100%. People in pain are almost automatically viewed as addicts when that's not the case at all. This is the number one reason me and my deceased boyfriend never wanted to go to the ER. He would still be alive today if they did not find him and make him out as a drug addict after such a terrible accident that he was involved in!!! They don't care until something like this happens. And I swear they will not hear the last from me either. You take an oath when you become a doctor!!! I don't care if this person looks like a drug seeker or not, your duty is to treat them. I am so ashamed of these doctors. I hope that no one would ever think of me, a doctor, like this. You treat your patients regardless of the history!!! Because they treated him like a drug addict he has now passed away. He will never have the chance to meet his beautiful daughter or hold her beautiful body and his sweet arms. I hope this does not happen to anyone else after today!

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I've been on hydrocodone for 2 years for back problems also on 10/325, I recently received these Watson/ 853 white and they are ineffective to me I'm a little upset about it because my back pain hasn't subsided at all now I have to wait thirty days for a new script

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No just the opposite..they usually would constipate you

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Yes sir you are correct it's a shame the same with any activis brand trust me we have to file complaints ASAP or deal with it..

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These watson 853 white oval pain meds is missing something i agree with u i got major back issues an i had to take 2 then 2 more an hour later an got no relief at all the goverment is doing something or the makers the pill is not at all worth taking

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I been using hydrocodone/ acetaminophen10 325 for five years this Watson do not work some work some don't they don't last as long PLEASE HELP

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I just picked up my prescription of 10-325 norco, from wallgreens pharmacy. They are now called Watson 853 . Don't know what they did but these are junk!!!Lin

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The future of all narcotic based painkillers such as Codeine, Hydrocodone and Oxycodone will be abuse deterrent period! This will prevent people from taking the medication via the most abused route know, orally en mass!

I read several drug manufacture proposal trials of such abuse deterrent formulations stating such things as if you took 10 Norco you would only get the effect of taking say 3 of the original non abuse formulation! But what this means is that the abuse deterrent much either inhibit more of the drug from being activated via agonism with a set amount of antagonist or it will have a release mechanism with which it will slowly release the drug and if too much is ingested it will release a noxious chemical to either make you sick or unwell!

You see the government wants complete control over how one takes these medications and I for one hope the FDA does not force doctors to prescribe these new formulations over the existing ones unless one is known to have a history or opioid use disorder!

Even so, no abuse deterrent formulation for the new brand name/generics commonly know instant release opioids (Norco,Percocet,Tylenol 3/4) has yet been full approved by the FDA as far as I know! Something though must be done about the Opioid Epidemic in this country and I think with the legalization of Marijuana, that will help offset some of this stigma and leave pain patients to have some quality of options back!

All I can say is I don't contribute to this problem! I follow the rules set out by my doctor and the government! I feel the documentation on my medical case is strong and I don't feel this change to Schedule 2 has affected me in anyway period. If your going to a regular doctor and having pain issues, they are not likely to prescribe you anything strong because of this enforcement! I see a specialist and while I don't take anywhere near the high quantity that some pain patients take, I do take enough to manage my pain along with non opioid options such as steroids like Methylprednisolone (Medrol).

To come around back to topic I will say I will be getting a different brand of Norco this time from another pharmacy to compare and see if its as crappy as people say and report my findings soon!

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I've been on opiate pain meds for 15+ years and wish I never had been put on them or even took them for a long period of time. it started out with lortabs, Percocets, Norco. I've had all manufacturers and strengths. I'm on alot stronger opiates. now I want off, but the withdrawals on top of all my pain and disabilities I've tried and always seem to go back as my body just can't take it. but I last filled a script before getting moved to stronger opiates. Watson 932 white round and they did great for awhile till all the Tylenol ate up my stomach lining, but I had some white oblong tabs and not 1 time did that script help like they were fake. I also know what works for you might not work for me. we are all different when it comes to medicine. like I take diazepam 10mg for breakfast and I'm fine. I see others take 1 and go to sleep all-day. but it is something wrong with these new perc tabs, norcos. now with my stomach I can't have anything with Tylenol / nsaids. I don't know what this world is coming to but the way it's going it's an increase in illicit drugs as ppl lose their meds. just so some ppl don't get sick or hurt you know it's getting bad if this is going on. hope I helped some. have a good day. thanks. Ken in Virginia.

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Trisha, Qualitest was my 2nd choice back in the day, Watson was best and Mallinkrofdt was my 3rd choice. Not now starting in 2014, the A333 Percocet 10/325 is terribly made and stamped with Watson, the hydro and perc 10' s are activist and are gut wrenching and just plain wrong selling a bottle of 120 for @ 216.$, thank God I have insurance, but in 2015 I was able to get Actavis to give my Medicare part d a refund. Anyways my point is that there are yellow hydro 10/325 by Qualitsest the 7.5 Qualtest (marked with a check) are p each colored. So they are still around and they work. I get rx d perc 10/325 in Fl I get the Alvogen brand they are round and yellow, they work very well, but nothing like the real watson before it was activist. I'm in Co. and I was dispensed a white IP which is Amneal. My body is used to the Alvogen, however they do work and do not hurt my tummy like the Actavis perc. 10. We are as chronic pain patients a casualty of the war on drugs, no doubt. In Fl it's hard to fill scripts I know just left 8/2016, so to go to a pharmacy and ask what brand do you have is scary, because they judge you anyway. But Publix in Fl is carrying the best generics. If you go to a publix that's on a populated slightly poor neighborhood, you re not going to find your meds, go to a publix in a richer area. Example Cross Creek in New Tampa. Good luck. I'm having no problems filling in Co like I did in Fl pharmacy crawl.

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This my be my problem, i do not respond to hydromorphone. Only hydrocodone. I dont respond to morphine either.

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I recently went to my local pharmacy to get my RX filled for Norco which I get generic but can get brand name if I ask but they got to order it. Anyhow the generics I got were labeled Watson 853 with a score on the back side. They are generic for Norco 10/325 (Hydrocodone 10 mg - Acetaminophen 325 mg Tab). I have tried basically all major generic manufactured Hydrocodone products even liquids. I will say these are much smaller than some tablets I have gotten. They seemed to work within 10 - 15 minutes on an empty stomach and did not seem to last quite as long as others I have taken. The reason is most likely due to the smaller pill size and removal of the dye.

I think for people here saying they called them up, well if you really called up Activas which is now Teva Pharmaceuticals, you would have been asked for the NDC number and the Lot number. Obviously unless you called immediately to your local pharmacy you would not have the Lot number but you would have the NDC number which there are two and the number at the end just states how many pills came in that bottle either 100 or 500. Period!

I talked to a few people at Teva and even got a letter in the mail from them so according to them they would not have let a batch be accepted and processed out for shipment if it did not pass quality and other such evaluations! I trust their judgement because I have taken Norco for so many years from surgeries to know what the main effects of hydrocodone are! I thought these pills were real and were not fake or changed!

You know hyping yourself up for anticipation for something can often times lead to a let down in the actual end result. Maybe some people have a higher tolerance or its just a mental preference. I cannot say for certain but what I will say is to the one person stating to be from the company who said they changed some carbon ring on the molecule to stop the conversion to Hydromorphone, they are full of crap! That is so false and yes between 5 - 7 percent of a given dose of Hydrocodone will be converted into Hydromorphone unless your taking an enzyme inhibitor. Even so you would still get pain relief benefits.

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Yes, you are correct as I heard Ms Hillary Clinton again mention opioids. This has got to stop, if not people will turn to illicit drugs. I do not want pain meds from a company in Iceland. The hell with actavis. They have had recalls on their oxy among other drugs from them. I can truly feel everyone's pain here it's not right!!! I'm on my way out cancer let alone blown shoulder neck back. I'm in good Ole pill mill floriduh and these *****s have messed it up badly for us folks. Something has got to give. We all need to form a massive group and complain to the fda / dea- and whatever government officials to get this out in the open asap. I hate to say this but I think this is what the government wants people to do; turn to the streets. I know I will come final stage of my life and I'm not getting any relief from their watered down bull. They are passing the medical Marijuana bill which is a huge plus. It works indeed then we can say the hell with big pharma and their bogus non effective pain medications.
People we have got to take a stand!!! I wish all here the best and let's go after these pharmas. It's not right not right at all!!!

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These white 853's are totally ineffective. I pay an arm and a leg (no insurance) and after using the yellow's for years with absolutely positive results in handling my RA these 'whities' are pure garbage. There's no doubt they have acetaminophen in them they are probably ruining my kidneys I have very little confidence there is little to no hydro content at all. I've b****ed to my pharmacy to no avail..."take your business elsewhere' so my solution is to bluntly ask pharmacies around town if they carry the yellows. DEA hates it when you hopscotch around (filled at many different pharmacies) but I'll be damned if I'm gonna suffer this set back with my health. Bottom line...ask around town....or go to another town. I find that the smaller individually owned pharmacies are willing to stock the yellows and/or will work with you to carry them if you stay loyal and give them advance notice of your refill status. PLEASE boycott these miserable bastards and search until you find what you need. It's a bit of a pain in the ass but has paid off continually avoiding being left out in the cold....literally!

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I been his pill for five years the new pill does not work Ian in contain pain please

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If they changed the way it's released without telling people there's gonna be a lot of overdoses!! I know I've already popped 4 because I still hurt thinking if I take more it'll help eventually. That's bulls***! Personally I am going back to Percocet because these bite. F****rs trying to kill people changing medication around with Oxys. They tell you the only change was the coating they added to stop people from abusing them!

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Activis bought out Watson now these pills are completely Junk. Hell I can eat 4 10s and yawn feel not a damn thing. Yup we are screwed!!!!!

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Hi, I feel the same way! That's what brought me to this page in the first place; I was making sure I had the right pills cuz their not working WTF?? What have they done to them?

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I have the same problem with the Methadone they have me on. The oval ones take away my pain and the round ones I swear are placebos. They don't take away my pain like the oval ones do

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