New White Watson 853 10/325 Problem - What Is Going On!? (Page 18) (Top voted first)


Hello all,

I am a longtime chronic pain sufferer. I have taken opiates for pain for over 10 years. I recently got a prescription filled (from a well known pharmacy chain in the U.S.) and I was given these new Watson 853 white (not yellow) hydro 10/325 pills. I wanted to ask the forum here if any of you have had the same experience with them as I have. I know there are some very smart people with advanced chemistry knowledge here that may have delved deeper into whats going on with these things. They are ineffective for me. I've taken hydrocodone 10/325 for 10+ years and have never ever had a problem with pills being ineffective but that is the case with these pills. I've had about every brand you can think of and never an issue. Ever. I thought nothing of the color change when I got the pills home from the pharmacy... I've had the yellow Watson 853's before and figured they just changed the coloring. I've seen people complain before about differences in brands before, but I've never experienced anything like that.... Mallies, Watson, Qualitst... all the same to me. I didn't start looking around for answers until I noticed these pills were not working well at all. Something is 100% wrong.

Based on some initial research I do see that they have taken the yellow dye out but there are other reports from people with the same issues as I see. Obviously you just don't know how reputable some of these reports are... I've seen posts talk about pharmacists telling the patient that the pills now are structured to release hydrocodone slower (even though its an IR pill... what?)... that Actavis/Watson employees have claimed there could be "kinetic imbalances" in their formulation when upset customers have called them... etc.

The only truth I know is that there is something amiss with these things. Any response would be appreciated from you guys.... experiences/info/links to other similar reports, etc. This is the most frustrating thing I have ever run into and it just doesn't make much sense to me at the moment with whats going on....and the implications this could have if these pills have been truly altered by the manufacturer in some way.

I know it doesn't mean much to just say it on an internet forum, but I'm not the type to cry wolf over something like this. I realize it could be a bad batch I've received, but it looks initially like the problem is more widespread.

TIA for any responses to this thread! I came here because I believe this site has people that have the intelligence/knowledge to get to the bottom of it. Again, any info at all in relation to this would be appreciated greatly.

381 Replies (20 Pages)

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Um I've been in pain meds for a long time now ! I stated off on perc 5mg/325 then perc 10/325 now I'm on just perc 10 no Tylenol ! Pain management doc changed my perc prescription without TYLENOL BC I WAS FEELING VERY SICK DUE TO THE TYLENOL Why are u attacking me about my MY MEDS!!!!

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Watson 10 MG tabs I also have experience different effects from that brand!
The major change that I used to use change to that brand and I get weird side effects from it whether it be stuffy nose the effects of the medication does not work nearly as well as my old brand it seems that I need to take double the amount and the effects last half as long and are not nearly as effective. I did speak with the pharmacist in regards to that he did tell me that there's different components and different generic brands that may not work as well for some people.
So sadly in the end I no longer use at pharmacy because they are not willing to go back to the old Brand I took and I had to locate another chain that carried the brand that does work for me and now everything is good.
Because we all know getting her pain medication is difficult and they clearly will not exchange the pain medication for you even if it does not work and you cannot get a new prescription so you have to suffer with what you have through that month until you find what works.
Good luck and I guess my suggestion is try to find a pharmacy that carries the brand that was working for you and I go with that!
Good luck!
I am in the process of trying to figure out a way to get off of my maiden medication for I have been taking 30 milligrams three times a day and running out before I should be because my pain is not controlled.
So if you have any suggestions without having to go to suboxone on how to get off the pain medication I am looking for feedback for that because it is beginning to control my life and ME not controlling it! Yet need to figure out a safe way to stop without losing job due to being sick yet do NOT want to be FLAGGED as an addict by getting suboxone in order to control my withdrawals while I attempt to get off of them!
FYI. been on my meds for 10 years now for 3 blown disks in lower back and now rheumatoid arthritis...

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Watson does make the Norco's as well, just wanted to throw that out there.

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Mark, there is nothing to sue over. It is no secret that generics can vary in the amount of Active Ingredients compared to brands. If a generic tablet says it has 10 mg, it can have 8 mg-12 mg of active ingredients. Also fillers and binders can affect how the active ingredients are absorbed in individuals. If you actually count the people on the internet that have said that a certain drug is weaker and you compare that to the millions and millions that take the drug daily, the percentage of those that say the drug is weaker is insignificant. If a certain generic doesn't work as well as others, call your phsrmacy and ask them what other generic manufacturers they have for that drug. You also need to remember that if you have insurance, the insurance more than likely dictates if there is a choice in generics, which one(s) you get. Depending on the insurance, the cheaper ones are the first choice. If a pharmacy doesn't have a choice, the insurance will pay for the generic they have.

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They should be the same I've gotten white and yellow I believe it's just a different manufacturers

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brokennbruised, it does not matter where a drug is manufacured. If it is sold in the U.S. it has to meet FDA standards.

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That's a good idea,I hope there is someone represent: chronic pain etc.I am going to start with a few letters :councilman,Senate,...on a personal note,I did get a rx.Thursday of ,10/325 and from big chain store,seems to be fine.

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I wasn't disputing that,I was RN for 25 years,I was asking how would you word a letter to the FDA and/ or DEA.Why not just go straight to the drug manufacturers.I'm not being facetious.I'm just saying,you could get the same information

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Also I was wondering has anyone ever tried the extended release hydrocodone?I heard that they don't contain fillers

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I really have had no problems at all with the WATSON 853. They work all the same to me. I switched to 7.5/325 perks & they seem just as strong to me as the Hydrocodone 10/325. I've been dealing with chronic pain such as DGD and 3 herniated discs & t rheumatoid arthritis at the grand ago of30. They all give me relief. Hope this helps.

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Do they have a smell to them and it looks like these are freshly done pills like they just came out of the manufacture

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I honestly believe it's a mental issue. I too have had to control chronic pain. 3 major back surgeries, throat cancer, gun shot wounds. They control my pain is all I can say. In fact I have asked my Doctor to help me STOP having to use any type of a Pain Aid. I found this difficult to say after 19 year's of Chronic Pain, wary bones, major nerve damage, the list goes on so why explain. My Pain Management Doctor's mouth dropped, telling me I was his only Patient that asks for something weaker now asking to Stop them completely. Dependence & Addiction are 2 very different Animals, sure anyone that suffers understands me. I am tired, just plain tired of the entire scene! The color changed, I see or feel no difference, they help the pain, that Burning feeling that's intolerable, loss of sleep, constipation, shaking while brushing teeth. Maybe something was changed, they control the pain, they also scare me. Be honest, catch yourself over using at times? Sure we all have, they trick our mind, the Euphoria wears down and we can THINK we need another or 2. I relocated to another State, seen a new Doctor he looked and said I wasn't asking for much. He actually knows my Guy from 800 miles away, certainly he knew about me before we met. I am no drug seeker, he honestly accidentally called in 5/325 instead of 10/325, I didn't look, even notice really my pain seemed to be harder to manage. Next visit I told him, he increased the dosage, a lot if needed. Now decreasing I am still receiving 2 more per day, many would say GREAT! We are doing a Radio frequency procedure to Kill the Nerve or Nerves that create this pain. Sure, the nerve will grow back, I am a Candidate. I think a Sober minded me again, I have never felt as good as when there was NO Alcohol or Medications floating around in my brain. I relish that thought, I remember that feeling SOBER awakening smiling & not thinking of a Pill. I Hope this works, I Hope, a great thought, I can lay watching a Movie, shut my eye's & visualize my own Movie from the sound of TV. I have to say they help Control My pain which has & is tremendous & no way to survive. It's became to much for to long a part of my World. Just being Honest with Me, I do know Pain & Understand other's, this is about me, no one else. I want to have the best quality time with my Grandchildren possible, with no gadgets or mind altering med's in my body. It's became an epidemic, those that sale them, I have known some Die from different types, the OXY thing. 1 fella, his Lady OD'ed and now she's dead, he insists that's all that works for Fibromyalgia, do they not get it? He never appears to be in Pain? I may be off track, possibly there is a difference, I know they control my issues with pain & it does or has been very INTENSE. I understand everyone's concerns and I wish all the luck to you. Daily Chronic Pain is nearly HELL on Earth, we all agree. I Hope this procedure works for me & please be careful each of you. I also concern myself with a traffic accident & someone dies, then blood work and vehicular Manslaughter and a dead child or anyone. If this happened, prepare a Rubber Room for "Ole Vinny". May God Bless all, no one deserves to hurt everyday, I honestly mean this to each of us. Yours Truly...

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I did find the white Watson less effective. I did find breaking them up in halves, that is still taking the full dose but break them up they work better. Hope this helps.

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All pharmaceutical companies have guidelines.. they are allowed to put UP TO 22% of the Active ingredient, meaning the hydrocodone.. key words UP TO 22%.. some pharm companies use less some more.. look it up

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Re: Vicki (# 367) Expand Referenced Message

I have no idea where your pharmacist got his information. But, it is wrong, I seriously doubt your pharmacist believes what he told you.

If a generic says it has 10 mg of an active ingredient. It must have 8 mg-12 mg of that active ingredient. Perhaps the manufacturer used 12 mg- 10 mg of hydrocodone in the past and now they are using 9 mg-8 mg. Fillers and binders can also affect how effective a medication is.

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I feel your pain I was on hydro 10MIL for three years four times a day all it did was give me energy for 20 min then make me sleepy. I lowered my dosage to 7.5 to slowly get off for a month then went cold turkey I'm to young to be on meds for the rest of my life. I suffered the worst withdrawal ever I got rls the hot and cold sweats no sleep and attitude changes unfortunately I went back on so I wouldn't have to deal with the withdrawal that did nothing but make my body crave more and more it is a very depressing situation I decided to go cold turkey again this time with no tapering off I changed my diet drink lots of water took vitamins and worked out twice a day for 30 minutes surprisingly I had no withdrawal symptoms actually compared to what I went through the time before it took about 6 days for the medicine to fully get out of my system going off of the medicine was the best thing I ever did I'm not dependent on any chemical to make my body function properly all these medicine companies want to do is get people hooked so they can start taking stronger meds every time a doctor write a prescription they get a 60% commission per prescription they really don't care about the health I am so glad it's very hard but I know you can do it

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Walgreens is TERRIBLE!!! I had to go to another pharmacy to get my pain meds. filled, they were rude and flat out refused to fill my script regardless of what my doctor told them. I am now tapering off myself because I'm so tired of being treated like a drug addict. Hopefully I will find another way to deal with my pain. I just don't understand how a pharmacist gets the authority to decide how to treat a patient rather than their doctor without even knowing that patient's medical condition and even if they did know of the condition, how much could they really tell you about it and the pain it causes?

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Why don't you all get together and file a legal suit against the manufacturers if you'll feel this strong and quit complaining if you're not doing anything. I was a user and a nurse. 'Was' being the operative word. Or get another pain med without fillers of any kind. Good luck. God bless.

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hoper, there are no laws stating that a dr can only write x number of schedule II pain meds at one visit for one patient. Is that what you're referring to ? Even though there are no specific laws, I think that the "within reason rule" would apply before a physician would have problems. I'm sorry I'm not sure exactly what you're asking.

As far as the letters to Congressman and Senators go, they rarely see the letters or email that are received. Office staff reads the correspondance. If something comes in that they think the politician would be interested in, they will forward it to them. But, don't hold your breath waiting for letters of this type to be forwarded to the politician. If you send a letter or email, you should receive a general form letter that has the politicians signature at the bottom that is done by a stamp or other means besides the person actually signing it.

When you ask about fillers in Zohydro ER, are you refering to fillers that can prevent the drug from being abused ? If you are, Zohydro ER is Not abuse deterrent. Hysingla ER is also a new hydrocodone extended release meds that Is abuse deterrent.

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There the same pills but less tynol that's the difference I been taking these pills for about 15 yrs there never going to be like the blue lortabs 10/5 mg so just be glad u still have them that they haven't take them away they r trying to take these pills of market to me the Watson 853 r better the yellow one that's my opinion

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