New To Wellbutrin Sr


Okay, I am hoping to get some help. I was on Pristiq 100 mg for the last three years. My insurance now is having a higher co-pay plus I have gained 25 lbs. So the PA switched my to Wellbutrin SR 150mg. It is day three and I feel awful. Very foggy and light headed. Well I found out from her nurse today, that I should not be having any caffeine when I take it. How long will this feeling last?? Anyone have words of wisdom. I am not hungry and that is the good thing. I want to try to stick it out.

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Hi Mojo,

Everyone's body handles medication differently so there is no way to know when the side effects will go away for sure.If they haven't gone away in a couple weeks, you might want to speak with your doctor. Feeling light headed obviously isn't normal and may be a sign that your body is not happy with the medication, so I wouldn't stick it out for too long if it continues to be any issue. Have you experienced any confusion or trouble concentrating?

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Is anyone else suffering from insomnia while taking Wellbutrin SR? I was very happy when I started it 10 days ago. The only problem is I can't sleep. I wake up every 2 hours and I'm going crazy. What should I do?

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