New To Marevan And Feeling Better Than I Have For Years!
UpdatedDoes anyone here have any experience of the same thing? I had multiple pulmonary embolus following achilles surgery and was started in Marevan warfarin. Within a few days I started to feel better and am now on my fifth week of treatment, breathing better, sleeping better and generally feeling more well than I have for the last 2 years or so. I have been told that I have familial 'sticky blood' and wonder whether this has been making me feel sluggish. I would like to know whether this is a normal thing or whether I am just strange!
1 Reply
Well, in a way it can, so that really isn't strange.
It's not that your blood is sticky and making you feel sluggish in a direct sense, but if you tend to have thicker blood that clots easily, it tends to raise your blood pressure and make your heart, lungs and other organs work much harder than they normally would. which in turn can you make you feel run down and awful.
Learn more Warfarin details here.
A blood thinner helps your blood pressure to lower and lets your organs take a bit more of a rest than usual, since they won't have to work as hard.
Many heart patients will tell you that one of their biggest problems is feeling rundown, tired and exhausted all the time, the same applies to anyone suffering issues with other organs. It just puts a super strain on the body.
But I am very glad that you're feeling better.
Have you also made any dietary changes?
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