New To Lo Loestrin Fe (Top voted first)


I am getting ready to start a pack of Lo Loestrin FE, I am not due to have a cycle in about 2 weeks. If I start the pack on Sunday as directed will I start my period early? I noticed some have experienced spotting when first starting or it brought on a period. I thought the blue pills is whats stops your period. Thanks :-)

2 Replies

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These are hormonal based contraceptives, so it is possible to experience some breakthrough bleeding, when you start taking them. It's just a side effect of your body adjusting to the hormones.

Breakthrough bleeding can include light spotting or a full flow similar to a period. This can happen for as long as the first 3 months.

If you start them on the first day of your next period, they would prevent ovulation and you'll be immediately protected from pregnancy. However, if you start them at any other time, then you'll need to take them for a full 7 days, before they reach their efficacy level in your body to prevent pregnancy.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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okay if your 17 or older and this is the first time ive been on birth control period , and im on my very first pack of Lo Loestrin Fe and i was wondering will that affect me in anyway in the future ?? because i really want to have kids whn i get older .

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