New To Fentanyl ....i Hate It!
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I was going to a pain mgmt doc for over eight years and when I had to go on medicade disablility, I had to change doctors. I loved my doctor, he cared about helping me get better and keeping me out of as much pain as possible. I was taking lortab 10/500 x 5 daily, lyrica 150 x 2 daily and I had really bad headaches and I was taking fiorinal up to 4 daily if needed. I have chronic neck problems. These meds worked just fine cause I didn't want to go to anything stronger cause I knew how hard is was going to be to get off of this when/if my neck got better. My doctor had tried everything he could before we decided on neck surgery. So I went to see the surgeon and he agreed that was about the only option I had left to fix my neck. My neck curves the opposite way that it should and the discs are just worn down till it's bone against bone. Well, with the medicade, I found myself with a new pain mgmt doc. I made sure he got all my records, mri's from my previous doc and the surgeon. Well, the first thing he does is tell me he doesn't like giving out hydro and puts me on the pain patches! I didn't know that much about them at the time so I didn't really say a whole lot. This doctor was also very arrogant and didn't want you to say anything that disagreed with him. He also acted like he never even looked at my records to see that I had been through the injections, etc. and nothing helped cause that day he also set me up for an injection in my neck! When I went home I was just kind of numb. He had taken me off of the meds that I had been taking for years and put me on a pain patch.....Well, I hated them! I still had pain and I was depressed and got a headache every single day about 3 or 4. I was just miserable! I took the 24mg then went to the 50. This evening I got a horrible headache and I felt sick and chilled and the more I thought about this the madder I got! How dare this jerk put me on something this! Talk about withdrawls! So I've decided come Monday morning, I'm going to find a new doctor. I've been on the patches about a month and before I get anymore hooked than I am I need to find another doctor. I've read the info that comes with the patches and OMGosh! What was that doctor thinking? He didn't no more look at my chart than nothing. I hate to switch doctors again, especially being on medicade. I would love some advice from anyone that might have been there or know more about medicade than I do. Thanks for letting me yammer on! Glad I found this website!

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I was just switched to the Watson 100mcg Fentanyl patch, from 240mg Oxycontin a day, I'm on day 3(and yes I had to switch the patch on day 2 due to withdrawal symptoms) and I hate it!!!! This medicine sucks!! I'm nausea'ed all day long, can't sleep at night, feeling irritable all day long. I can't tell if its working well for my back pain because all I can think about is how terrible I feel.....Will be going back to the Oxy next month for sure, if not sooner.

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Hi Annie,

I'm so sorry to hear about your negative experience with Fentanyl!

I wouldn't take it too personally that your doctor put you on this medication, he can only prescribe what he thinks will work best based on your medical history and health complications. You mentioned that he didn't look at your chart though? Are you sure he didn't because that doesn't seem legal? IF you're sure...then in that case it's definitely good for you to search for a new doctor. The thing is however, everyone has a unique body chemistry and medication effects everyone differently and it's impossible for anyone to know how a medication is going to effect you until you try it. He probably doesn't like to prescribe Hydrocodone because doctors can lose their license if they are caught prescribing too many narcotics of that sort. Fentanyl is also a narcotic though so who really knows why he feels more comfortable prescribing it over Hydrocodone. I'll post a link (down below) to a thread about Fentanyl so you can share your experience there too if you'd like.


Please post back if you have any questions!

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