New Florida Law Prohibiting Drs From Prescribing Oxycodone To Patients With Chronic Pain (Page 3)
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My dr said they were limiting prescribing oxys to just cancer patients, took me off oxy 30s and now im on 4mg hydromorphones. Pain doesn't stop. What can i do?
Re: Cactus Arizona (# 7)
"THEY" cannot deny you pain meds because you do not have cancer"? "THEY" do all the time. A Doctor can deny to write a narcotic script for any or no reason. I used to be a Florida resident and went to a pain management Doctor for YEARS. However, I left a little over a year ago and I am not sure where the issue stands in Florida now. Keep in mind that Florida back in 2009 or so had a reputation for being a pill mill State and the backlash was awful for awhile. It seems that it is impossible to find a center ground stand. Either it is too loose or too tight.
Re: Chris (# 4)
Omg NO that's not right. I know Florida was known for there pain clinic and over prescribing but making a law that states if you don't have cancer you can't be in pain or on any long term pain meds. That's simply ridiculous. I have spinal stenosis herniated disks, pancreatitis and no never drank, tietz syndrome where my chest and ribs inflame causing massive pain. No doctor is educated about this disease either and well the list goes on. I don't usually state my illnesses but I will name a few for this comment. I was on the strongest of all pain meds and that was Opana. I do not have cancer again I do not have cancer so for your doctor to say that I think he is just making this news up to get you off the meds. Now it may be Florida law but I doubt it. There are many causes of pain and they don't have to be just cancer. Not saying that cancer is not painful my mom died of cancer and all she could say to me is how was it possible for me to deal with all the pain I have? Ya that hit my heart so bad. Anyway they took the Opana off the market and give me oxycodone and no by all means does it work for me. If your in legit pain. I would advise you to look up pain management places. Legit pain management clinics. Research the doctor and make sure he runs a clean legit clinic. Good luck to you. Hydromorphone only lasts like two hours. I should know I was on the same as you for break thru. Currently I'm taking Percocet 7.5 as opposed to the Norco 10mg. The Norco wasn't cutting it for me so I needed the switch even though they are soooo very similar. There trying to cut out a lot of pain meds that's every state but as far as I know. They can't deny you pain control based on the fact that you do not have cancer. That's totally ridiculous.
Be glad U aren't on Oxy...since the coating their put on them, many of us who previously used it now are dealing w/ teeth 'dissentigrating' from the inside out. Pls. believe me, you don't want to loose your teeth and have expensive implants or awful dentures. I knew immediately when the supply changed. Upset stomach and everything in stomach travels up espohogus where it then destroys your teeth. I had abruxia (tooth grinding) so bad I chewed off half my skin inside my mouth.
Hi Chris. A friend of mine was going to a doctor whose nurses were selling scripts with his signature from the back door. I think your issue is going to be that they're more than likely holding your medical records also. If they won't release your medical records, it's going to be difficult o get anyone to treat you. If they decide to treat you anyway, they might change their minds when they hear that your regular doctor has been shut down. Even more than that, it will be nearly impossible to find a pharmacy that will want to fill a prescription with all of that going on. My friend went three years with no treatment whatsoever, as they held her medical records hostage while they investigated her doctor. I'm sorry, I hope I'm wrong!
Christine we share same name & I live east coast FL been on pain meds over 10 yrs just lost my dr. to DEA "review"? He had no idea they just came shut him down & said he may be back in few months if all OK. SO no warning no meds--Help!!! Pls if you could let me know where do you find dr. to treat me?? I have tried over 10 drs already no luck. I love my dr. hope he shall return but not help while he is gone!! Am in wheelchair so really difficult for me (not to mention immobilizing agony).
I get oxcy an I live in FL
Hello, Dan! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems you're having.
That could be a law in Florida, but I don't know for sure. I know there is one throughout the U.S. that came from the DEA, which instructs general practitioners to not prescribe pain medications, except for those with intractable pain from cancer and even pain management specialists are supposed to try all other non-narcotic treatment options, first.
However, your doctor can prescribe, as they wish. Even if this isn't a law there, they still don't have to prescribe it for you. Your only option is to switch doctors, if you can find another one that's willing to treat you.
The FDA lists these medications as being narcotic analgesics, so they have the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Does anyone know more about what's going on in Florida?
My pain Dr.told me they got a memo stating that they were no longer allowed to prescribe Oxy's to any patients that were not cancer or terminally ill. So I was taken off Oxy 30s and put 4mg hydromorphone as my NEW (again for the fourth or fifth time) pain "management" medication. I always try to be tolerant of there educated ideas but I tire of there gross disregard of my comfort and the fact that i am the one that has to live in pain and agony when their new drugs don't work and me and my family have to pay the price...It took over a year to find relief and now it starts all over again. Can anyone tell me if such a law even exists? I have talked to patients nurses, doctors, and even my medicaid pharmacist and no one can find any evidence supporting my pain doctors allegations. Did she lie to me people? Feeling let down and betrayed by someone i should believe in and trust...Should not be feeling this way.
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