New Subutex Laws (Page 16)
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I went to see my doctor this week and he told me that the FDA and the DEA had passed a new law for prescribing Subutex. As of July 1st 2015 Subutex can only be given to pregnant woman or to someone with documentation saying they can't take Suboxone. If you don't have that you will be put on Suboxone.

324 Replies (17 Pages)

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Michael, it is awesome that you are researching help. You can do it! And I want to hear about your success.

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ya, jim is basically just a tool. kinda ironic that he tells others to "get a life", no?

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Wow Jim, why are you on this page? Compassion... Probably not! To educate us, not that either because you have to have knowledge to do that. So what is your reason for being in the Medchat room? It is safe, is there something you want to share? Does a family member use and it's hurting you? I don't make assumptions but if you are so bored that you choose to hurt someone's feelings by cyber bullying, I am going to use knowledge to determine you were abused and now you are an abuser... But not of drugs. My expertise tells me that 1 in 12 recover from drug addiction but those abused will abuse others with the possibility of your recovery being zero. Because 1500% of children abused are neglected more than any other addiction can cause neglect in a home ; that means your bulling is worse then someone managing their own pain management... Addicted or not. Don't complain to someone who requires a specific medicine if you are not a dr. Because all you did was give me an opportunity to share my June 5,2015 discovery of abuses and your type if abuse problem is worse Then my pain management by 1500% at least.

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Ok they approved them. My last two post will be helpful if you are looking for info on this new law.

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Ok I posted a link to the bill itself. but if you read the rules to posting on medchat it says that you cant post links to other websites without them approving it. if you want just search the addiction treatment act of 2015 and you will find info on it.

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Go to this site ( and go down to the bottom of page 3 and read thru to page 4. This is a copy of the bills that was passed.

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It might be helpful if a link to this new law was posted by someone. Not a link to a new report but a link from the DEA website and/or Revised State statues

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i was responding to verwon. he gives bad/inaccurate advice. that wasnt toward you, no.

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kkh Who are you talking about? I was just asking if the new medicine that I am on will react bad with suboxone. Not sure if it is safe just asking if anyone knew. I have not gave any bad info.

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You cant take "other opiates" with suboxone either. The naloxone is only in there to keep people from taking the suboxone intravenously. Taking suboxone too soon after "other opiates" will throw you into precipitated withdrawals, just like with subutex. When are you going to figure that out and stop dispensing bad info?

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Hi I was just wanting to know if anyone knows if it is safe to mix Naloxone and Methotrexate. I have been taking Subutex for about 9 months and as of July 1st because of a new law that has been passed my doctor has to swap me to Suboxone and it has Naloxone in it. Does anyone know if this is safe?

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wow, what a big man you are jim. seriously, why are you even on here? to belittle addicts? did you purposely seek out a thread about subutex/suboxone just so you could talk trash to addicts? i mean, you arent here to try to help anyone, are you? how sad your life must be if you have to amuse yourself by putting down people who are struggling with addiction. and how ironic that you tell someone to "get a life" when this is how you spend your time. talk about needing to "get a life"!

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Stevo my doctor is in Johnson City Tennessee. Two or three of my friends also go to different doctors in the area and have been told the same. I wish it was just the suboxone reps that are making them swap everyone. I was able to find a news report from back in January on the WJHL News Channel 11 website talking about laws that they were going to trying get passed this year and this was one of them. I guess they were able to get it passed.

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I too visited my doctor this week and he informed me of the same law. I did a little research myself and found the same pitch in Ohio 4 years back in 2011 where patients there were told the exact same thing but they found out it was actually the suboxone reps doing something to where that particular doctor couldn't prescribe subutex anymore and only suboxone so they can continue to rape patients who are uninsured. I'm from Tennessee also. I'm curious who your doctor is as I have found no proof that this is true for all doctors. I know people who go to different doctors in different cities and then haven't heard anything about this.

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Jim the day I ask for help and stop using is the day I become a man. They are not the same thing because one has naloxone in it. It doesn't matter to me if they swap people or not Because I am allergic to the naloxone and will be staying on the subutex. I am just trying to give other people a heads up that when they go back to see their doctor next month that they will be swapped to suboxone so that they will be expecting it. Addicts don't like change. If you have never been a addict then you really don't know what you are talking about. If you don't have anything nice or helpful to say please stay out of this conversation. If you don't take subutex then this conversation has nothing to do with you.

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Wow....They Are The same..Buprenorphine. I'm Not Concerned About Naloxone Upon proving my point. There both for addicts who are not strong enough to come off that crap. Who cares if there is Naloxone or not??? It's agonist/antagonist. patients are abusing this crap thats why they are changing the formulation. Alcoholics don't get benzo's when they stop drinking so that they will not drink again. So Do you'r selves a favor and grow up, be a man.

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Yes I have it goes in to affect as of July 1st. After my doctor told me about it I went home and searched the internet looking for anything I could find about it. I found a news channel 11 website with a news report about it and found several sites like this one with other people talking about their doctors telling them the same thing. Walgreens has already started turning people away and refusing to fill their scrip for subutex if they are not pregnant or do not have proof that are allergic to suboxone. What's going to happen because of this new law is that a lot people are going to start using again and there will be a lot of wemen getting pregnant just so they can get put back on subutex.

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I hope you have looked up and read the law yourself. You can't believe everything people say, including drs.

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I live in Tennessee. Yes this is a real law. As of July 1st the FDA and the DEA have pass this new law stating if you're not pregnant or have a documented allergic reaction to suboxone you have to be swapped from subutex to suboxone. I think if something works for you they should just leave you on it and not go swapping your medicine. Because of all the junkies out there that don't use it the way it is meant to be used the rest of us have to suffer for their actions.

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Where do you live? I am very worried now because suboxone doesn't help me, only subutex. Are you sure this is a real law?

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