New Orleans, Mississippi Coast Pain Management?
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My pain management doctor has gone MIA (Dr. William Knight, Metairie, Louisiana). He has gone- there's no trouble reported to Louisiana Medical Board. Just gone. The 3 months worth of prescriptions he wrote me for Norco & MS Contin are almost gone too. I can't find a new pain dr. here (on the Mississippi Coast or New Orleans) who will take my Obamacare OR even take cash-pay patients. Additionally, I take a (low) dose of Xanax prescribed by the psychiatrist I began seeing with the onset of my chronic pain (bicycle crash). So, benzos, too. :-( Is there a doctor who will treat me in this new culture of pain medicine? I am really afraid. I am in my late fifties.
12 Replies
Hi, there is a pain management dr. in Gulfport, Ms that will accept you even if you are currently taking benzos, but you have to wean off them in order to be able to be seen there. His name is Dr. Brian Tsang... I think its PainStop Spine Clinic
Best of luck to you...
Re: nolamom2three (# 10)
If this is true why is there no record of his arrest or proceedings?
He's not MIA. He was arrested. He moved from his Houma Blvd office to IPN and within 6 months he was escorted through the waiting room in handcuffs. From what I've been told, he was overprescribing and prescribing medicine for patients without seeing them. I know he's done both.
Hi I suffer from debilitating panic attacks that send me to er, er wrote klonopin 2mg and Xanax once, they said they would until I was able to see my psych bc everytime I run out I'm back in the er, so I finally see my psych was feeling positive like I might get my life back and be there for my daughter he listened minimally as I was in tears and then prescribed something for nausea!!! Gee thanks for helping with one of my symptoms, I asked about some kind of benzo for when it happens like the 3 other different er Dr's prescribed and he said hes not allowed,(whatever I don't believe that) can u kindly share the name of your psych I'm not looking for a bunch of high MG benzo just something for my attacks and they act like I'm trying to score crack, sorry just extremely frustrated to tears
Sasha, Sorry for the late reply. He vacated his office- with no forwarding address. No trouble with LA Medical Board. I checked. My take: He suffered apparent burnout in this new "Opiate Epidemic" of ours. He was in his sixties, and didn’t take kindly to the new pain management ’procedure mill’ model. He prescribed to long term patients who played by the rules. He was a rule player, too: drug panels were regularly performed in his clinic, and a close eye was kept on what 'scripts were filled. Big brother is watching, you know. He won many awards- including ‘Most Compassionate Dr. in NOLA.’ Well. deserved, IMO. The fact that so many loyal patients would still return says it all, I think.
I have several plates and screws due to Degenerative Disks, 18 surgeries and more to come. I can not handle anymore inj's. as they put too much weight on me. I need to find a Dr that actually can help me in the New Orleans, Metairie, Hammond, Louisiana area.
How do you know he will not be practicing any longer?
His email is disconnected. He will not be practicing anymore. Good look finding him. I have been trying for weeks. He was let go from the last place he was at and I have been told he will not practice again. I have set one of his patients up with two doctors and they both said she has to see a pshyciatrist because it is all in her head. Dr. Knight had her convinced she needs the meds. But Dr. Jihazi talks cash pay patients, but he does not like to write.
I also saw Dr knight for 12 yrs and 6 days before my appointment at IPN, they sent me a text saying my appointment had been canceled and he no longer worked there. But the good news is he said he was goin to open a clinic in Metairie soon? But just one day a week. I don't know what happened to him but I know after Brigid left everything was a mess. Don't go see Dr. Domangue in Covington. He cut my meds in half and said the most methadone he will prescribe is 3 5mg a day. Good luck and if u find a decent dr please email me at {edited for privacy}. Hopefully everything works out with Dr. K though. I always loved him. Something personal must have happened for him to do his patients like that.
Dr Knight is MIA. A family member was also seeing him for her chronic pain. The last time she saw him I do believe he gave her an email to reach him at, but she misplaced the email addy. Please let me know if you found him so I can let her know.
Thanks for your reply. In a perfect (medical) world, all of us would be treated as individuals, along with our various comordities, wouldn't we? When my MIA pain doctor saw me for the last time, having planned his exit strategy, he DID bother to make sure I had my medical records. When the nurse handed me the record folder, he dismissed it as "a mistake." I suppose he wanted to give me the best shot possible at continued care...
My point: my records reflect u/a's well within clinical limits on everything that was checked for. And my psychiatrist is well aware of my pain medicine history. I'm well aware of the new policies. See above: "In a perfect world..."
I'm so sorry to hear of your predicament. Sadly,Even under ideal circumstances the concurrent use of benzodiazepine class drugs and opiate/opiods are prohibited in almost every region of the country even if prescribed by specialists for legit. Purposes since the incidence of poly drug intoxication of these type drugs have caused action by the over reaching regulatory bodies of our government offices. I wish I had better news or someone to suggest for you to see but this issue is reaching epidemic proportions and folks everywhere are experiencing similar situations of being left high and dry at no fault of there own . The emergency room is your last gap alternative to excruciating Withdrawl symptoms they must at least treat any life threatening condition you may be suffering. God bless and best wishes to you ....
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