New Opana Is Out Now - March 15 (Page 2)
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I got my new Opana Prescription this week and it is the new formulation. The old ones were six sided and the new one is round.

The new formulation, that the FDA approved, is supposed to be the same quality as the old Opana we are used to. I hope so.

I am going to include the links to the articles that discuss this at the bottom, the latest article is directly from the makers of Opana and is from February.

The old stock of Opana is all supposed to be gone from the shelves by now and the pharmacists are all supposed to be using the new formulation.

Let us know here how you think the new stuff is working for you. Is it the same as the old stuff? IS there a coating on the new stuff that changes its effectiveness like the way the new formulation of Oxycontin did when it came out in 2010? Let us know.

Mine only started a few days ago so it is too early to say. It is the Opana long acting. They had to change it to stop people from crushing and abusing them.

Let us see if it works.

here are the article links;

This one is from Endo Pharmaceutical directly, the company that makes the drug;

Crush-Resistant Formulation of Opana ER® Approved by the FDA

Here is the second one ;

Endo Announces FDA Approval of a New Formulation of Opana® ER Designed To Be Crush-Resistant

Hope it helps everyone!

Peace, Keith

91 Replies (5 Pages)

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i took roxycodone for 5 years they do take the edge off,but they changed me to opana 40,s with the jell.not only do I throw up every time but sometimes it come,s out whole in my stool,they really make me sick.tired of being a guinie pig.

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This is my 2nd month on them. They don't make me sick every single time anymore, but a lot. Like this week Monday and Wednesday I threw up, but Tuesday I was ok. The pain relief is great. And I don't get a foggy head. I'm still considering giving it up and asking for something else. Some days I'm nauseated all day even if I don't throw up. I've been trying to stick it out until the generics drop because nothing else works as well for the pain without making me high. Well nothing else I've tried anyway. Ugh. So frustrating.

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I used to get sick from ANY opiate.Especially from a 20mg OC back in 1999. I couldn't eat, I couldn't poo (sorry gross but a symptom) and I was WAAAASTED. Here we are in 2012 and I've gone from banging (IV USE, I do not suggest) 3 80mgs a time 2 to 3 times a day. Tolerance could possible be your issue. Because I take both 10/325 Oxycodone (percocet generic) and 40 mg Opana's. Sweetie my percocet work better for my pain. But I digress. I will not turn down ANY opiate. I get sick without them. I think we all know a bit about dope sickness. Keeping it simple just tough it out until you can tolerate because you say they DO work on the pain, get a new doctor OR (and I vote for this)...send what ya don't like to me. Yes I do junkie standup also.Anyway, good luck. Pain sucks. I wish you the best.

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I too was taking opana er and filled a new prescription which contained the old and new formulation unknown to me. Had a terrible reaction, throat swelling, difficulty breathing, numbness in extremities and the feeling of passing out. Was taken to hospital with stroke level blood pressure,kept in hospital for 2 days,underwent a myriad of tests and still nobody could tell me what was wrong.week later had similar symptoms. Finally pm dr. Started removing meds that I was on.after stopping opana er within 24hrs. I felt like a new person aside from the stomach problems which took about 2 weeks to improve. Beware, some people absolutely cannot take the new formulation. Best of luck to all who are having problems with this and get off opana er if possible.

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I've been reading these msg's for a long time now, & i cannot believe the ignorance! 1st, i DO NOT promote abuse of any med, HOWEVER, the new oxicontin, and opana DO NOT have a "coating", the preventative polymer's that they contain are mixed into the entire tablet, and cannot be removed, so stop the expirement's, and the giving of erronious (and life threatening advise) and anyone who is stupid enough to try any of these bulls***e brilliant bone headed ideas not only screws it up for us, (the legitimate pain sufferers)but risk's their very live's, & those lives of those who care for you, you also shatter thier lives too! STOP f-ing around & take the med's as they're intended, or seek help & reclaim your life, this will make our lives a bit easier, and you just might wake up enough to realize the voluminous number of life's you've touched, IN THE MOST NEGATIVE OF WAY'S !!!

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I got the new opanas 3 months ago ,still throw up each time.they dont help me at all I throw them up before they can work,if they even do.

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Gosh... I couldn't agree more... The new Opana is far less effective and are making me sick... Had a intestinal blockage because of them, yet my pain Dr doesn't want to change me to something else... I'm having to get my gastrointerologist to call him and explain what they are doing to me. The plastic polomer gets dried out in the colon and causes blockages, plus they cant be very healthy either... I have lost 27 lbs in 3 months because of them! Either I need to change meds, or I am going to die!

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i got my new script of apana 30 er an they are no were as help ful as old ones i get head aches now. feel no relife from pain.what do u recomend i tell my doc to switch me to.

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I have a friend who is an opiate addict and he tried these suggestions....the outcome was scary as he'll I do not recommend breaking them the mother@#$%&*-!!! I promise he thought he was dying

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sometimes if u use the 30's....something witht he time release coating i think

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does this tur anyine elses urine orange?

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I just started taking opana 40 mg er tonight. Couldn't tolerate morphine, so this is my alternative. I've been vomiting since about an hour and a half after my very first dose. But it did help my pain! So my question is this: my bottle says to take on an empty stomach, which I did. I didn't eat today at all. Might it help if i take it with a meal, or is this more likely the new formulation issue? At this point I'm not even holding down a sip of water with zofran. I'm leaving tomorrow for a week and am hesitant to even take this in the morning, but my ultra conservative doc only gave me 1 a day 10/500 hydrocodone for breakthrough pain. I can't really depend on that. Tylenol is useless and I can't even try ibuprofen because of my arthritis medication. Idk what to do ....

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I recently switched from oxycontin 10 mg to opanna er 10 mg. I went to fill the script and they only had half the pills. I took them and went back to the doc for a new script for the second half. The first set of pills worked great with no side effects. The only problem was they did not last for 12 hours. More like 6. But I have 5mg oxycodones for break thru pain. I filled the second half and niticed the pills were different. Called the pharmacy and they said they were right but the new formulation. I started getting a headache right away that night. The headaches got worse with each dose. Also they did nothing for the pain. After the 7th day I could not take it and had some 10 mg oxycontins left and switched the headaches went away immediately in 12 hours and the pain decreased. I was extreamly happy with the switch until the new formulation. It really makes me mad because I have tried many different medicines with a lot of side effects and now I find one that works with no side effects I can't get them. I read on here about a 15 mg generic that is the old formula. Is it for real and can you get it anywhere?

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You silly are feeling that way bc you are experiencing wds..The BA for opana is low to begin with add all those fancy chemical anti abuse mechanisms and no one is absorbing enough to stay out of wds...They will have generics of the old opanas form. coming out in Sept. 2012. so wait a month and switch to the generic. screw endo! They blame everything on junkies when its us that suffer..better people die on opana and people get relief...sad but chances are if they cant abuse it they will end up on H or other and die from their addiction anyway...u cant regulate stupidity!

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Why not try fentanyl or ms contin? Why fool around with these plastic coated Oxys and opanas? Ms contin has always been the staple drug of choice for chronic pain???????

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15 minutes? Thats placebo effect...When a drug is taken orally, it must be first absorbed into the blood that is shunted to the liver for processing. Only after it enters the liver is the active ingredient made avail bile to the brain and systemic blood circulation. This process takes roughly 45 minutes give or take depending on the user's size, stomach contents, and history of use.

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I too got the new formula in May - I've been taking my a.m. pill (40ER) with my coffee and I think it's because I use a lot of cream (high fat content) and together with the hot temperature - it takes effect within 15 mins. Actually, I think they work better than the old ones when taken orally and last a good 9 - 10 hrs for me.

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Just got my first new batch yesterday OP 20, I have a feeling they are going to make me sick to my stomach as the new Oxy did. I've tried everything to no avail, the only thing that works are Norco 10/325, but I do not want to take all the Acetaminophen. I'm hoping ZoHydro Er will be a good med. I've tried Neurontin, Gabatril, Amitryptiline, Vicoprofen, Duragesic, MS Contin, OxyContin, Oxycodone, etc. and none are without crappy side f/x, just wish they had something to resolve my pain (MS, L5S1, Stenosis) without being addictive and causing so many side f/x. How does Tramadol work, I have never tried that ?

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Man, I had to switch from Oxy 20 to Opana 20 (2/day) + 2-3 Norco for BT pain, because the new Oxy was making me sick to my stomach, I attribute it to the rubber coating. My first switchover went well (other than some short lived constipation), had the green "stop signs" which were the old Opana formulation, I just dropped off a new script and have a feeling it will be filled with the new Opanas, which I know for sure will make me ill as the new Oxy's did. I just wish these abusers would go away. I got no relief from the Fentanyl patch (25 mcg), just made me tired and spacey, and cannot be like that as I have a job where I need to think, and it barely lasted a day before it fell off, and was worried one of my kids or dog found it. I am awaiting ZoHydro ER, which is timed release Hydrocodone, since I seem to get the best results for my pain from Hydrocodone, and the least side fx (no constipation, no affect on sexual, no stomach sickness). Pain due to Multiple Sclerosis, L5/S1 herniation, spinal stenosis.

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