New M 8956 Adderall Xr Generic Beware


A friend of mine went to Walgreens this month and got Mallinckrodt generic 30mg XR's. The imprint is M 8956. They look like that garbage CVS generic with a clear bottom. I have to fill my script tomorrow and I plan on asking what they have before I fill it. I suggest everyone else does the same.

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I'm new and just got my 3rd XR script filled today and immediately noticed the beads inside the capsule were white and not orange, and found they were made by Mallinkrodt. I haven't tried them yet but would the Walgreens Pharmacy exchange for a new script by a different manufacturer? Not looking forward to a whole month of something with so much negative feedback..

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Re: Trev (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

They won't exchange it. Once it goes over the counter that's it.

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Did it end up working?

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I just had my Adderall ER 30mg filled. The pills didn't look right, so I checked the MFG. It is made by Mallinckrodt. They DO NOTHING!! It seems like the main ingredient is missing! I use this in combination with antidepressants. This is a very bad situation. I do not know if my doctor can or will write a new script for a different brand of these.

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Re: Trev (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have been getting my Adderall filed at Walgreens for years and always got the generic by Shire Band 361. I get a 3 month supply. Three months ago I had it filed and I got home and the pills had M 8956 30 mg on the capsule. Tried to get them to take it back. I paid $155 without insurance and Krogers had the same thing for $69. I use Good RX. Weird thing is I never have seen a ADHD pill or capsule without the Adderall written on it. So, I took it for 2 weeks & gained 8 pounds of fluid and my ankles and feet were so swollen. Also, my stomach stayed acidic. Went back to my doctor today and told him. Walgreens tried to give me the same pill. I WOULDN'T take it. I looked it up and Adderall and this pill are different ingredient's made by different pharmaceuticals companies. HMMM, I told the pharmacist to give me a list of all the ADHD medication I had filled there. He wouldn't . RED FLAG!

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WOW..Mallinckrodt adderall is terrible! Been taking adderall over 10 years, First time refilled @Walgreens- heart pains. Severe rash, muscle aches head aches, slimy coating in mouth. Dizziness and eyesight affected.

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Re: Mj (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I had a super similar situation after taking Adderall (Prasco version) 25mg xr for a long time and then walgreens dropped 25 mg Mallickrodt xr in my hand last December. My life slowly descended into hell in 2 months. Then I was so scared to start up medication for 6 months. I should have gotten help sooner but when I did my neurologist figured out it was likely the manufacture change that got me down this road. I never imagined anything like this could happen. I researched with the pharmacy as to when they gave the new brand to me and sure enough it aligned with when life went downhill for me. I have found many others with the same situation. Most were able to realize this much sooner than me and straightened it out. I never considered that something like this can happen or to watch out for. It took 8 months and 1 appointment to make this clear what likely happened.

I think its a matter of taking one thing for a long time and then suddenly taking another. If brand name drugs are different than a generic (obvious and known) then the there must also be a difference between manufacturers. I found out the hard way being completely in the dark about these considerations.

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Re: mike (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Basically, same here. Almost exactly. Have you been able to find the Prasco anywhere else?

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I want to be as honest as I can. Every drug and formula effects everyone differently. I had the salmon colored ones that were brand name with orange beads that wouldn't stick to the capsule. I also have the and still have the blue 10 mg instant release which are amazing. The new bright orange with white beads I felt had extra extra boost but after 5 min of taking it I expect a type of shut down (almost sleeping) before I reboot and maybe wake up out of no where. The changes i've noticed are actually very similar to everyone elses on here. There's more days where i'm still forcing myself to be aware and alive and to be in the moment or mentally here. Asking why don't I care anymore, what happened to me. My body has ridiculous fluid retention everywhere. Noticeable pounding chest at night. nausea at random times from moving around at all? There's a much quicker zombie mode with these, I'm not even remotely has bubbly or friendly but still aware to where I get everything done. Muscle tension in upper back/neck. I started to drink more which never was the case even in the past. That's what bugs me the most at night. When I just take the blue instants I have a clear happy smooth day without any forced pushing for motivation. I'm going to go back to my brand name 30's.

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I don’t take the XR, but the regular generic adderall made by them is SO WEAK. I am not kidding when I say I usually break my 10 mg in half and take half at a time. With this brand I need 20 mg to feel what I feel with 5 mg of any other manufacturers.

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Re: mike (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Stay away from Aurobindo too. I list it as an allergy their adderall is so bad. I don’t think it’s even really adderall.

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For the past two years I've been forced to take new generic adderall xr and health care providers and government officials don't care that these useless medications that have no active ingredients to treat my adhd symptoms are destroying my life and ability to function and succeed. At 54 years old I don't have a whole lifetime in front of me. I'm angry, I cry daily,I'm losing everything, and onto of that have added stressorslike dying parents and caretaking. I've gained 60 pounds and now have heartissuesandhigh blood pressure never did before and it's their fault. I forone am suingmy healthcare providers and responsible parties.

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I don’t take XRs I take IRs but I refuse that manufacturer. I only take 10 mg and sometimes I only take half, with the THOSE I had to take 15 mg to feel like the usual 5 mg.

FYI Aurobindo IRs are crap too. They feel like those old school crossroads that gas stations sold in the 80s/90s. All jitters.

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Re: Cheryl (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I am so sorry, it’s extremely frustrating. I take the Teva‘s, and I specifically have to go to Walgreens they are the only ones that seem to have them. I can tell you I know for a fact that they actually have the active ingredient in it because I get drug tested regularly and they would tell me if I didn’t have Adderall in me, or if it was something else that I didn’t list.

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Re: Optimistic (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

The secret about Teva is imagine this it is manufactured by THE EXACT SAME COMPANY THAT PRODUCES THE NAME BRAND ADDERALL GONFIGURE! ??

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Thank you so much for the heads up! I specifically go to Walgreens because they have always given me Teva (I take 10 mg IR) and CVS and Rite Aid seem to buy the cheapest most awful generic out there (CVS and Rite Aid use one distributor, Walgreens and Walmart use a different one). I refuse Mallinckrodt oxycodone. They make them weird and fat and sometimes I like to break my pain pills in half because I don’t want a whole entire 10 mg at once, and that brand has an abuse deterrent in it now that is supposed to really hurt you if you try to abuse it. Whatever it is destroys my stomach and my butt hole if I try to break it in half. After a few visits to the ER and six months of fighting with Walgreens they finally started to order a different kind for me. You can tell them you don’t want that kind and they can try to find something else. The only problem is that with the massive medication shortages sometimes they literally can’t get anything else.

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Re: Xrpmommy (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Lol wut? Teva and Mallinckrodt are not the same manufacturers. Generic medication can vary up to 20% from the name brand in strength, one can be 20% stronger and one can be 20% weaker meaning they are very different medications. I believe that Teva used to be the manufacturer of the name brand, but I’ve never researched that to see if that’s true I’ve also never had access to the name brand because my insurance doesn’t cover it so I don’t know. But if you think Teva literally makes all the Adderall on the planet you should go look at the FDA medication shortage page and you will see you are really really wrong.

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