New Generic 30 Mg Adderall Xr (all Orange W/ R 3061 On Them) Not As Effective (Page 8) (Top voted first)


please share your experience with this never seen before, less effective drug that two different pharmacy's have given to me in last two months. they make me fall asleep!

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I usually take Vyvanse and it works great for me. I'm super focused and feel wide awake. I recently got this stupid R3061 bc they ran out of the Vyvanse and I need to study for finals. It's seriously made me feel like s***. I'm awake but can't concentrate AT ALL and my body feels like crap and I feel lethargic. I took one like 7 hours ago. I still need to study so I'm gonna take the other one. But after this I never want to see these stupid things again. Only sticking to Vyvanse. I love that stuff.

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Do they make a white or orange 30mg Adderal??. Please if anyone can tell me I'd appreciate it so much. I think someone is telling me wrong.

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That's odd. I just got the new all orange 30 capsule and I thought it was the brand name because it seemed so much better than the old generic. I looked ip the image and its generic. How can the results be so different.

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I've been on Adderall XR since 2004. Brand is best I don't care what any pharmacist says!! In 2009 when generics came out I thought my med was no longer working. I told my Dr and she kept increasing my dosage and I felt worse!! Finally realized I was taking something else all together with the generic. My Dr put me on instant release and found Sandoz the closest to the real thing. Switched Drs to a psychiatrist because I moved and she refused to prescribe IR. Back to XR and trial and error. Found that Teva XR and global worked best. One month I got Actavis and this was after taking a 6 month break from adderall and it felt like I took a sleeping pill!!! And my motivation was negative 6,000!!!! I took 3 20mg pills and I took a nap. The stuff was total crap!!! It felt like the Straterra I took for a couple weeks. Totally not myself and drugged and depressed. The next month I told the pharmacist to never give me that garbage again and he said I was the only complainer!! He ordered the Teva and it was so much better.

I told my neighbor lady who's 6 yr old granddaughter took adderall XR to not ever take the Actavis and we talked and she said omg no wonder my Granddaughter has been so tired and moody. They took her off and back to the Teva and she was fine. I felt so bad thinking young children take what they're given and can't advocate for themselves. And pharmacists are NO help either selling the idea generics are all the same and all the same as brand!!! How many are suffering with that garbage? How many have quit adderall thinking it didn't work?? The brand stuff changed my life!!! I was 32 when I was diagnosed. So to have a drug you depend on to help you be functional suddenly stop working after 10-11 years was horrible!!! Today I was looking up generic Sandoz adderall XR because I saw the pharmacy filled my script with that. Dreading finding it may be junk like Actavis. I have not found much on Sandoz XR. I took my dose and am not sure if it's working.

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I found that the Sandoz generic does not work as well as the Teva generic and not even close to the brand. I know the company who produces the brand also makes the generic Sandoz. They are not the same. They must be using lesser quality ingredients or skipping out on something all together.
Needless to say not a good month for me. No motivation. No normal concentration. Hyper focus is not what I need!! I can do that on my own without medication thank you very much. And it's not on EVERYTHING. Just what I'm interested in.

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I have tolerated both fine the blue Activis is a different story. I can't concentrate very "speedy" and no ability to focus on anything longer than a few minutes I don't know what the difference is but teva/Barr and activis calm me and stay organized and awake without feeling like I'm on something

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My adderall is not working it really helped me when I switched to adderall in stead of Ritalin 4 years ago ..I've always been prescribed generic adderall 30 mg XR 2x a day... It's not working I can't concentrate I feel like I'm back to square 1 ... I hate suffering like this

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So what pharmacy/ manufacturer do you use now and is it effective again?

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Denise, what pharmacy/ manufacturer do you use now and is it effective again?

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well, i've been prescribed 60 mg generic adderall daily for over 2 years now..& i've done extensive research regarding generic differences, & i've come to a conclusion..unfortunately generic adderall is made in India and foreign land. They have fillers & binders that certainly effect each person differently. Hense why i've got so much inconsistent info all around on the topic of this..some say one thing some say another, in my opinion, & to me anyway...i have never got teva more then one month in two years on it..ive read teva footballs use to be the best u can get an pink cor pharma was the worst, this was years people say it's reversed and pink are best an teva worst..but i don't believe that...i believe you must analyze yourself on how your body adjusts to each one...the fillers in generics effect each body differently and that is a me, i wont get anything except pink cor pharma, once got teva footballs, an was instantly very sick..(KNOWLEDGE IS POWER FOLKS)

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I so agree with you, I have been on Adderall XR 30 mg since I was 17 and the new generic orange ones do not work so frustrating! I hope my doctor switches me to the regular Adderall.

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I have never tried IR Adderall 20 mg from Sandoz, I used to be on Adderall XR since I was 16 until I keep getting the generic orange ones that said r3061 made by actavis they were junk so my doctor switched me to IR Adderall 20 mg 3X a day I got the generic ones made by teva and it was like I didn't take anything at all!! I thought I was loosing it until I researched it. I know it all has to do with the fillers. I have heard cor phama is the best now, so I will be having my pharmacy order them or I will go else where. I know that Teva bought actavis so no wonder the generic IR Adderall isn't working. So frustrating another month a meds not working!! I also heard that cor pharma was bought be another company to so I hope they don't change their generic Adderall. I did make a complaint to the FDA about Teva!

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Corpharma doesn't make IR Adderall anymore. I asked around and even a pharmacy that was willing to order any brand for me, wasn't able to get the Corpharma pills.

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I had this also happen to me in the last few months when I changed to the generic brand of adderall and have had sooo many problems with this generic medication. I had the 30 mg caps of orange adderall with the 3061 imprinted on these and literally was fatiqued and it caused short term memory problems etc. This brand was actavis also I believe.

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I had the same problem. I was.prescribed generic xr and in January started having bad side.effects the meds were not even the same it was not beads inside for the xr part of the medicine either. i was so tired. trying the Impax brand now not teva. Also DAW on all my prescriptions.for.this med in the future.

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Re: anon (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. I posted previously that the adderall generics 30mg xr with 3061 in them do not work for me at all. I had my Dr write daw on my prescription this time to be sure to get the regular brand which everyone is out of apparently there's a huge shortage worldwide. So my pharmacy tried giving me these again last month I told her to open one up please and these are not the beads inside it is powder which is really not a form of xr. I have since lost my job and having headaches etc. Mind you I have been taking these meds along with the 5mg regular release adderall for like ten years never problems till now. Anyways I tried the Impax brand last month and I took one and a half of these and still a little sluggish but nothing compared to the ones with the 3061 imprinted on them. if you are getting generic adderall you may need to increase this dose to get rid of the brain fog like I had.

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My 30 mg. ER ate orange and clear. G456 on capsule. That's just manufacturing number. If they are putting you to sleep its because you are ADHD and you'll probably have to go with Vyvance or something else. Most of my family is ADHD and only 2 of us can take Adderol. It knocks the others out. I was given 5mg. fast acting also but I told them I don't want them. I'm more energetic without Adderol but I get more done because I can focus! That's what it's for. If they speed you, you aren't ADHD, you're ADD. there's a difference.

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Re: addyprobz (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

It sounds as though you, and many other posters, are taking this medication for the wrong reasons. Someone who truly has ADHD may well become drowsy from a stimulant. You people are using it like speed; to stay awake or get a kickstart so you can make it through the day.

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Hey guys,

I created an "Adderall Generics Thread" that we can use for reference, where we can all contribute the basics of our recent prescription refill (manufacturer/pharmacy/location/review) so we know the CURRENT status of the Adderall supply going around. I think this will help all of us because there are hundreds of threads and it's so difficult to sort through.

Link: Adderall Generics Thread

It would really help if you could just add a quick reply with your experience. You don't need to register on this site so it will just take a minute.


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Walgreen suddenly discontinued a terrific generic Add XR that had orange & white beads. The one they carry now (by Praxus, misspelled) sux! I then tried CVS generic, and it was a useless powder. Finally I found a decent one @ Rite-Aid. Made by Sandoz & it has orange beads. Says: M Amphet Salts on colored side of capsule. Jeece, Good Luck, y'all. They just have to make life all the more of a hassle for us, don't you know!

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