New Fentanyl Vs Oxycontin
UpdatedI have been taking oxycontin, now since they changed the the formula i am up to 120x2 a day with a breakthough. It stinks i still have pain with the op kind. I tried 100mg patchs of fentanal. Could never keep them on.Now i hear of a fentanal pill newly approved.I think this would be a lot better for me. Ant thoughts on this dillema I have???
6 Replies
Have you tried the Fentenal lollypops? (suckers?)
The new tablets are sold under the trade name Fentora and they are available in several dosages, up to 800mcgs.
The lollipop formulation that Kat mentioned is called Actiq.
Have you consulted your doctor, yet?
This is really the strongest narcotic available and you may have better luck with a different formulation.
having trouble keeping fentynol patch on
Fentora is an IR version of fentanyl and it lasts 2hrs max. That plus it is way expensive and is usually only Rxed for severe CP and cancer. My Rx for #120 Fentora 600mcg and # 30 Fentora 800mcg costs around $11,550 per month. That's right, &11,550. It is an amazingly hard drug to get as its a ClassII TIRF-REMS, as close to a Class I as you can get.
The 100 mcg patch can be held on for 72 hrs with simple perimeter mounted paper surgical tape. It's stocked by the band aids. I was on it for cancer pain for 4 yrs.and it worked well for me, but I prefer the control of an IR drug. . . . Q
Call the 1-800 number on your box to the maker. They will send you tegraderm film tape to place over your patch for free. It works well.
Fentanyl works better if you ask the doctor order the band aid fentanyl patch it will stay onbetter and you get the medicine yougood luck they work for me
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