New Dr I Began Seeing In Early October Betrayed Me With Fentanyl Patch!!
UpdatedI started at a new Pain Clinic in early October of this year. Was with previous Dr. for 4 years, but found out he was unethical. And recently found out he has put 1/2 of my monthly income in serious jeopardy, because, although he was paid big bucks in advance, he never filled out the forms for my Long Term Disability Company!! So, I have been advised to report him to the Georgia Board of Health! Met new doc and said previous doc was not providing me with enough pain medication.I had been diagnosed in late July with Hypothyroidism and that's what made my chronic pain even worse.She became a total b**** and said, "I don't think I'm the dr. for you, we just don't hand out pills here!" She did not want to see any of my scans, she did not want to see any of all of the meds that I take. She blew them off with a wave of her hand and said, "I don't want to see that stuff" in an angry voice! And this was my first appointment! So, I said, "I do not think that you are the doctor for me either! And I started packing up my stuff. Then she suddenly softened up and said, 'in this clinic they change the medication that you're on so that you don't build up a tolerance".
This sounded good to me, along with the IV's. So, I said "ok, but please don't ever put me on Morphine" And I told her of my month long experience in the hospital (2006) when I had an emergency bowel obstruction sugery and I could not get pain relief from the surgery because I was taking, prescribed morphine. I told the hospital to take me off of everything. They did, I was in Intensive Care 3 times due to withdrawal. . She prescribed the Fentanly Patch saying it's just a way of having pain medication in your system 24 hours so that you don't have the ups and downs. I, stupidly believed her. And today I find out that the Fentanyl patch is WAY WORSE THAN MORPHINE!! I And the numbers do not add up. She put me on .25 Fentanyl, when I was taking 3 1/2 oxycodones per day! That's it!!! Now I want to know how the hell do I get off of this nasty stuff?!?! I do NOT think that treatment is warranted for me. Now she needs Intensive Mental Health Treatment! She's 'Borderline Personality, for those of you who know. But like a pusher SHE put me on this poison. Normally, I research everything I am on. But was worn out, stressed out, confused by this whole clinic where no one talks to each other, my scripts are written wrong, so I have to do a 30 mile round trip to get a 'correctly written script'. I've had to do that twice so far! I've only seen her twice and knew she was looney two weeks ago, I said to Vickie who called me from the clinic, "No, I do not want to see dr. so and so, why not? Because she has serious mental health issues!, but........."Here let me make it VERY CLEAR, I REFUSE TO SEE DR. M., ever. Nothing, got done with that. Other doctor I saw Monday the 25th at the clinic, scheduled a cervical IV for tomorrow, (12-2-13) and at 4:42 on Wednesday before Thanksgivning, Vickie called me to say that Dr. P won't be doing my IV on Monday, because 'he feels bad' about dr. m and doesn't want to take her patients!!!! Can you believe this s***?
They're all bat s*** crazy! And I do not know what to do to get off of this Fentanyl Patch. I could tell you all the violations of my Patient Rights..........but it would be a book and bore you all to death! So, I've been on this patch since October 8th, which makes two months now. And I am leaving the State to be with my adult kids from Dec16 thru Jane 3. I was so angry with their b.s. BEFORE I found out about the Fentanyl and was going to put someone through the ringer tomorrow. Since, Vickie said, she'd have the office manager call me tomorrow. Meanwhile, my whole life is on hold because I have to wait for the Clinic to call me and do something that makes sense! I seriously doubt that would happen. So decided today, No! I will call them, lay out just how many of my rights have been violated and on how many occassions....And I've only been going there less than 2 f'n months!! So, it's too late, because of travel plans, to switch to a sane doctor or clinic. What can/ should they do to get me off of the Fentanyl Patch while I'm on vacation? Or do I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER MONTH before I can get off of this s***?!! Does anyone out there have any useful info that I can throw at them tomorrow, in terms of getting me off the Fentanyl?! I am grateful for this site! I am a wreck, but writing some of it down helps! Thanks for listening, for those of you that have :d. Any/all suggestions will be grately appreciated! Thanks!
1 Reply
Hello, Lizzie! How are you doing? I'm so very sorry that you've been having such problems.
However, the first thing I have to make you aware of is no, none of your rights were violated. I understand why you feel that way and that the whole experience is very frustrating, but you don't have the right to have a doctor treat you or prescribe anything. Under current U.S. laws, they are only obligated to treat you, if you are in immediate life threatening danger.
So, while errors on prescriptions, prescribing choices and etc. may be inconvenient and unprofessional, they don't violate your rights in any manner.
And what exactly has you so upset about the Fentanyl? It is a very potent narcotic, so it has the same habit forming potential as the other medications you were taking, plus it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and constipation.
Learn more Fentanyl details here.
It is also more potent than Oxycodone and can be an appropriate prescribing choice to treat pain.
And if you want to enjoy your vacation, trying to stop it right now is likely not a good idea. Since it is so very potent, a sudden withdrawal is likely to throw you into severe withdrawal and rebound effects.
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