Neobloc 100
UpdatedNeobloc is the maintenance of my hbp... is it possible that i can used any generic for this? coz generic is cheaper than the branded.
3 Replies
Can i take neoblock tablets 100 mg w/o doctors advice?my BP is 200/127 and im 35 yrs old..
Base on my experience with Metoprolol, side effects are headache and dizziness (when getting up quickly from laying or sitting). If you experience those side effects, report to your doctor immediately (which I failed to do). Well I have taking Metoprolol Neobloc for over 3 weeks and I am not feeling a good difference of it from Propranolol. Mine is a secondary hypertension tho.
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Hi, are losartan and neobloc compatible to treat hypertension? Thanks. ## Hello, Maria! How are you? Yes, such medicatio...
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other medicines with the same neobloc effect.. ## i need names.. generic or pharex.. ## What is the equivalent medicine ...