Negative Urine Test (Top voted first)


What is protocol by doctors when u are supposed to be taking dilaudid and a urine test is done and it comes back negative for dilaudid!

3 Replies

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Can a company refuse to hire you because you are on a pain pump and have dilaudid in your system, assuming a drug test is manditory?

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Billarchdale- this happened to my girlfriend. she was on a fentanyl patch and oxycodone and she was getting drug tested to make sure it was in her system (to make sure she wasnt selling them) and to make sure she wasnt doing other drugs. First the oxycodone stopped showing up in her system and then the fentanyl didnt show up and she was wearing the patch, if he lifted up her shirt he would've seen it and i know she was taking it because i was giving it to her (she has a J-tube and takes it through that straight into her intestines) anyway, his protocol was if its not showing up in youir system it gets taken away. and he just stopped prescribing it and she had to go through major withdrawls. I dont really know what caused it to not show up. it was weird. but what the doctor does about those kinds of things are probably written in the contract you signed (assuming you did, thats what most doctors do)

And Critterbabe- no, they cannot refuse you because you are technically prescribed to it. you might need a letter from your doctor since you dont exactly have a prescription bottle (unless its visible idk much about pain pumps and how they are placed) but no they cannot deny you as long as you are getting it from a doctor...

I hope that answers both of your questions! =)

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due to HIPPA laws, the process is the company performing the drug test calls you, inquires your pharmacy, speaks with the pharmacist and reports back negative as employers(or potential) have no biz knowing your medical history. Might vary for a high security gov job, but thats how it was done for me working for a major cellular company.

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