Need Help Finding Oxycodones In Ca (Top voted first)


I live in northern California I have been working construction for years. And have serious cronic neck and back pain from a serious car accident years ago along with working in physcian of 12 years recently passed and can not retrieve my records.I have gone too 2 or 3 doctors an can not get oxycodones /oxycontins that r stronger than 5mg or 10mg when I have sever pain an need something stronger .I have tried numerious other meds an alternitive medical treatments an. Oxycodone/contin is what works best for me.i live in n California an don't mind driving if anybody has any advice or ideas.or knows a physcian, pharmicist I would b very would compensate for ur time thanks- Ian ca

15 Replies

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You could do the online thing and order anything you need from oxy to roxi vicodin. I get all the norcos I need from my doc but sometimes when pain is worse I get from some online sources. you can try a few if you would like I have info. just post and I'll give the info. Im a pain patient even I get under treated at times but that doesnt mean theres a dead end.

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Have you tried looking into a pain management specialist?

When I do a google search for them in California, there are many resources that come up. You may have better luck with one of them.

I also have to warn you that with most doctors, if you go in and are demanding a certain narcotic medication in a certain dosage, you are severely raising red flags. This is something they are trained to look for to consider signs of a drug abuser. When they see this, they are not going to give you what you want, there is too much risk involved for them.

If you can, you need to provide them with records that show what you have already tried that did not work and what did. That way they have some idea and it shows that you are not just a drug seeker.


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Thanks for ur advice kestrel.I would greatly appreciate if u could shoot me ur doctors name and maybe a refferal.u can find me on my space under white chocolate.thank you

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As stated, I was looking for treatment for the cause of my pain. I wasn't satisfied with mere pharmaceutical intervention.

You have to be committed under-going sometimes excruciating pain, be willing to have your pain get worse before it gets better, and be willing o take at least 2 minutes an hour to do the exercises prescribed. I'm NOT willing to send him a drug seeker.

He will expect you to follow your treatment, he will supervise you at least once or twice a month in his office, to correct your posture /technique during your exercises. You WILL, however, see results. No one I've ever met, who follows his regimen, has ever complained of not having better range of motion, reduction of pain (even without meds).

I have a complex pain syndrome. Treating the pain caused my hands to swell up and the skin to split and bleed. I was advised to do the exercises oftener, harder, and assured that the symptoms were neurological and would go away if I did that. He was right!

So get your medical files and medication history ready, and be ready to work. The moderator might have access to my email addy, so he can give it to you. Just use white chocolate as the subject line.

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I wanted to correct something. My hands swelled up because the exercises irritated my back-injury. Continuing the exercises, harder and more often brought that under control, and relieved the nerve irritation. The swelling went away, and helped my back improved, as well.

Also, your records, for all your injuries, all your care, all your treatment, all your pharmaceutical interventions; all those are kept in an insurance clearing house. It's somewhere in the Great Lakes area, I can't remember exactly where. So be of good cheer. The records still exist, even if it is only abstracts of each visit, each diagnosis and each E.R. visit. So... You CAN get your records, it's only a matter of figuring out how.

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I have had severe back and neck pain for about 20 years following a car crash, and several other problems. I have MRI's and CT scans and other tests objective evidence clearly showing bone, disk and nerve damage as the objective cause of my pain. Still, I had difficulty finding doctors willing to presribe the pain meds I need to manage my condition after my doc of several years retired. Through research I have learned that any of the meds that require a triplicate script are very closely regulated by both the Feds and CA. Docs must follow strict guidelines, and my best guess is that most Docs will NOT prescribe such meds unless the patient has at least MRIs objectively demonstrating the physical damage that might cause severe chronic pain. There have been many doctors that had there license sspended or revoked for prescribing these stong opiates without the proper medical documentation and resords -- there have even been some Docs convicted of drug dealing under such circumstances. This is probably why you have had trouble finding a Doc. They have all been through seminars and training that tell them about these horror stories, and they are routinely trained to be on guard against drug seeking behavior. So, as someone else already pointed out, you will likely set off red flags and illicit a very suspicious response if you go to a Doc and ask for a specific drug (particularly the strong pain meds). You will likely have better responses if you go to a pain clinic or a Doc that specializes in Pain management, and then tell them about your medical symptoms, then ask what medication they recommend. Two names I can recommend in SF are Dr. Hattori or Dr. Wayne Wolfe. They both have a background in pain management. Dr. Hattori takes some insurance, but can be rather curt and abrupt. Dr. Wolfe works in a medical practice that charges $150 per year membership over and above regular charges for office visits, and insurance will not pay this $150, but he spends more time expalining things and seems more pleasant to me. Neither one will prescribe strong pain meds without a lot of objective tests to verrify the need for such meds. Good luck, and my best wishes. I know what it is like to suffer in pain, and to be treated with suspicion.

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Ok I know this Ian guy, and rest assured the meds he is looking for are not for pain from an accident, straight out, this guy is a bad guy. A rip off and a junkie, you help guys like this, don't wonder why next time you get ripped off. Word to the wise.

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Chronic pain medication does not help.

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and accidental deaths from OD is the number one cause of death in this age group.

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I live close to you and had the same question. How did everything work out.

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Could you please help me? I'll be moving to Monterey soon and would like to find the right doctor. Thanks!

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I live in Monterey , my previous pain management Dr. is no longer working and my family practitioner is only going to help me with meds. for only one more month. I'm in desperate need of a pain management Dr. that does prescribe pain meds, along with physical therapy and injections if needed. I have 2 herniated discs in my back and 1 bulging disc in my neck due to a car accident. I'm desperately looking for a Dr. that can help me this and isn't afraid of prescribing pain meds., physical therapy etc..

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Re: Kestrel (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can you please provide me with this doctor. I just moved to Monterey and having trouble finding a decent doctor

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There is a good doctor in Monterey County, CA . I use him as a provider because he also treats the cause of the pain, as well as prescribing for pain. My last doctor only wanted to prescribe for pain, and *not* enough, at that.

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Hi. I was reading your post and was also interested in the information that you offered. I too see several doctors, and am even adding a pain specialist in a few days. So that a GP, a shrink, and a pm

I just lost 400 online sending cash to western union.

I hear sometimes you go online for breakthrough pain like i do. I was wondering if we could compare notes. I have been using the internet for a decade successfully. That was the first wire transfer of cash though. It was for 80 mg original formula that came out in the 90's. The guy wants me to send him 200 more and promises a 500 count next day air.

I could use any help talking to my doctor, preparing. I have a decade of documents. I am going in for entire body never pain but I have unproven visual back problems and stomach.

I had pancreas problems and Its not chronic but I recently started getting severe stomach pain so i got a blood test and by that time the numbers were back to normal

I am nervous for my first day at the PM doctor.

I know what will work, and what wont. But i also know better than to ever ask for anything by name, and keep bringing up the problems severe enough and repeatedly enough to warrant to general area of the medication I am wanting.

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