Need Help - Crying Won't Stop From Oxycodone Withdrawal (Page 2)
UpdatedI am scripted oxycodone 5mg 3x day, but for the past 2 months I started taking 80-90mg a day. Last Sunday I decided I needed to stop and taper so I had to drop from 90mg to 10mg a day. It has been 6 days. I can't stop crying. I am hopeless. I don't know if I should just stop the 10mgs or if I should keep tapering down. I don't know why I started taking so much, but I do need it for pain and I do have someone that can monitor the administration of it to me. My question is...when will this end? The crying, depression, vomiting, diarrhea, hopelessness. Do I keep taking the 10mg and taper down to 5mg or am I going to continue to go through this mental and physical hell. Please help. I am on an antidepressant and a very low dosage of clonazepam .25mg at bedtime but just feel absolutely like I will never feel normal or hopeful again. I only was taking the 80-90mgs for 2 months, but when will this end? I'm on day 6 of just 10mgs and if I don't take the 10mg today, do I start the withdrawal process all over again?
Hi Taper!
I agree with the folks here who said your taper is too fast. If you have the quantity, slow it way down. It seemed like you might be at 10 already?
One thing though: do not try the suboxone route. It is merely trading one addiction for another, and, suboxone is a nightmare to get off of, way way harder than Oxy. Like 6 months of feeling awful, not 3-5 days.
Yes so nobody said it would be easy getting off this stuff, but you can do it! I would slow your taper down, I would order some kratom... maybe get some xanax if you can... and then try to relax. It will get better. You are on the right path! Good luck!
The problem is you dropped to fast. You should have gone down 10 mg a week. Or go to the nearest Methodist clinic and either get on methadone or suboxine.
If you continue withdrawing expect about another week of the same symptoms however some people are fine in a matter if days and since you are withdrawing so hard you may be one who will take a little longer.
The problem is you dropped to fast. You should have gone down 10 mg a week. Or go to the nearest Methodist clinic and either get on methadone or suboxine.
If you continue withdrawing expect about another week of the same symptoms
however some people are fine in a matter if days and since you are withdrawing so hard you may be one who will take a little longer.
Also I heard kratom is a good way to manage pain.
You need professional help. First of all, you started taking 6X the prescribed dosage and you wonder whats going on. Severe withdrawls is the problem. I really hope you went to seek help otherwise you're probably dead by now.....
This is for madman you obviously do not have chronic pain and until you do you need to keep your comments to yourself. As fir the lady with the problem. Uf i were you i would see if i could change meds if the oxys are not helping i am in the boat with you the amount of medicine i get doesn't stop me from hurting i have learned to deal with it. It will get some better but do talk to your doctor about upping you or something different. Good Luck and Best Wishes!!!
This is for you PJ....I have been in severe pain for 25 years!! I have had 3 levels of my neck fused, 4 levels in my back fused, 2 tumors and thyroid removed from my neck, kidney cancer and was hooked on Oxycontin for 5 years. So, I am highly qualified PJ and I stick to comment since you have the reading comprehension of an 8th grader. You DO NOT take 6X the prescribed dosage of pain pills and expect to live a long prosperous life!!
Madman, you may not understand her problem as I do as someone who can relate from experiencing the difficulty of coming off a drug that you became addicted to regardless of how it happens. If all you have to offer is obnoxious criticism for someone who made a mistake as many people do who became addicted then you may not have the problem of addiction but you do have the problem of being an insensitive, obnoxious, ****ing ****. So madman you're actually probably worse off than she is because addiction can be cured, being a ****ing **** is usually a lifelong problem.
Sorry TimTim or PJ or whoever you are? Sorry for you that is! I understand the truth hurts when you are addicted and sometimes it is best to hit the problem head on. Call me all the names in the book, I'm just like that parent and child, where the child is screaming I HATE YOU DAD!! Sugar coat it all you want and that's how people wind up dead. Have a great day and I'm not returning to this post so say what you will.....
Hi lost in taper! I know alot about meds because I've tried them all. It sounds like to me you grew a tolerance to your oxyc. and should positively tell your Dr that and you can call them tomorrow and ask if you can up your dosage and have them get back to you to soon as possible. But if they say no to up your dosage and you still need to taper down. Well your in luck. Your going to have to up you klonipin untill you start to feel comfortable. When your done tapering slow down the klonipin. I only know this because I did it with other narcotics. I hope this helps.
Lost.....dont taper just go cold turkey till u feel like ur in full withdrawal then take suboxone it will take about another 48 hrs before they kick in and no matter what don't touch any opiates or u will be in worse shape
Have you ever came off of suboxone? It's worse than real opiates. It put me in such a low that every day id wake up hoping to feel something and it wasn't there. I had no feelings after a while just emotionless. Also incapable of feeling any sort of joy.
Have not tried getting off subs yet I'm at 8mg down from 16mg I'm dropping 1 mg every 3 weeks so far so good I know a lot of people drop down and off with no issues
I have taken 390 mg mod morphine sulfate IR today. I feel fine. I took the last 3 10 min ago. Should I be worried?
Your withdrawals if u completely stop shouldn't last more then 2 weeks. It also depends If you're taking meds to help your withdrawal. Detail me some.
Please go to the head shop and buy a bottle of Kratom... You will likely need either red md, red maeng da, red Bali... Go get Imodium it works as an opiate in the stomach. You will also need some crackers and if your stomach can handle it you need a potentiator such as grapefruit juice and not the sugary crap but as 100% as possible. Reply to me and I will help you find a trusted and caring vendor along with a ton of answers and help. Please do not buy Kratom from Google sites, most of the reviews we read on Google, Amazon etc... Are actually posted by employees to increase sales, they even go so far as to throw in some negative reviews so to fool us into thinking they are legit. What you are doing is dangerous. The head shop (smoke shop) kratom will work for now. Once you feel well enough you are welcome to reach out to me (I do not sell Kratom) for advice. I promise people have withdrawn from much more and all different types of opiate and done it with ease...
Please stop the taper now and increase the dose of possible. Not much... Just enough to get you out of the danger you have put yourself in by dramatically dropping the opiates!
Hey folks... have you noticed Lost In Taper hasn't ever responded to any of these posts? I hope this person is alive and well.... if this is you, please let us know what's going on...
@19timesinOR, was thinking the same. It's been a month now. hoping to read how their recovery is going. I hope he/she is doing better!
First are you an addict? Second a jump from 15 mg to 90 usually is because your trying to feel high not just stop pain. Third, your brain can only compensate 5% a week without having symptoms. 2 months is long enough for your brain to be hooked at that mg. Your drop to 10 was way too fast, that's why you're sick and depressed - dopamine depletion. I would drop 5-10% per week or approx. 10mg week drop at most: 90, 80, 70, 60 etc. My biggest question is why are u manipulating your meds, mixing klonopin with opiates and you're homeless? Have you been honest with yourself about being an addict before tragedy could happen (overdose or suicide)? I've done everything u have. I'm now in recovery and try to help others in pain. If u are or are not an addict get help with this situation and the truth will reveal itself and u will get better. Either way God bless. {edited for privacy}
20 mgs of clonazepam? What? Rethink that amount. Maybe 2 mgs at bedtime.
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