Need An Understanding And Generous Pain Doctor In Austin,tx
UpdatedI have been very ill for 12 yrs with fibro, osteo, and dengenerative neck joint disease, and have been treated very little for over 6 yrs by VA Dr.'s, then got my disability, medicare, and medicaid, and found a little better care with Family Dr., I then found a Pain Clinic , and received a little better care, but they still leave me in pain. I have tried what they asked me to do, and have still been left in pain. I don't know what to do? I am tired of hurting, and need a more aggressive doctor to help me. They don't believe in giving us much medicine, and told me that opiate meds don't help us fibro patients?? I don't believe this, but I also have arthritis, and possible RA. I have dengerative neck joint illness, and Osteo for sure. I was hit by a drunk driver going 60 mph while I was at a complete stop, and have never been the same. Does anyone know of a Great Dr. in Austin,TX who takes United Healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid? Tysm for reading this. I am trying to have a higher quality of life. I am fully disabled US female Vet. It seems they just want me to take injections, which have not worked all that well, and to counseling, and physical therapy. I have taken 2 pain classes at the VA which lasted for 12 wks, and also, physical therapy , and chiropractic care. I am very ill, and these things help a little while, but then the pain does not go away. I need someone who understands me, and will listen and believe me when I tell them what is happening with me. Can someone suggest a Doctor in Austin,TX who takes my Insurance..(.United Healthcare). We also have a Pain Dr. shortage in this overpopulated but, really nice City I hometown! This is the first Pain Med Clinic I have ever been to. So did not know what to look for...perplexed!
1 Reply
Have you tried a methadone clinic?
Methadone is a pain analgesic
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