Need A Subutex Doctor In Virginia Live In Pulaski Dublin Are (Top voted first)
UpdatedLooking for a subutex doctor have been put on subutex for three years today the clinic I have been going to all sudden says they have to switch to suboxn because of a new law but u looked it up and the law was passed in 2015, as a lot of u guys have posted the link to, so why prescribe it for two years after the law and all sudden change I'm.allergic to naloxone badly very badly , if anyone knows around virginia please let me know thanks
3 Replies
If your allergy to Naloxone is documented, they should be able to prescribe Subutex for you, without a problem.
The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.
Are you on any other medications?
Hi, can you say you know this for certain (re documented allergy?)
Sorry, I posted in the wrong place. Do you know this for a certainty regarding the allergy? I am contemplating going out of state.
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