Need A Subutex Doctor In Fall River, Massachusetts (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am looking for a subutex physician in fall river, mass. area. I am allergic to suboxone. I have insurance. If i have to pay a fee i will not go. I desperately need help, please.
3 Replies
Hello. As an ex junky I really need some subutex to help me to feel better and not so anxious, life has been very hard. My doctor does not listen to me. In fact he is very worried about is reputation as a GP. He told me, sorry Miss I'm protecting myself!! I left his surgery in tears and felt let down by him the only option he offers me was antidepressant. I dont want antidepressants, I want a strong pill to make me sleep when i feel suicidal.
Seroquel at night will help emensly! 50 mg @ bedtime. Your physician shouldn't have an issue with giving you this as it is a mood stabilizer abd it actually saved my life. Honestly, I have dealt with depression and addiction. The seroquel also should help with some of the withdrawal symptoms. Good luck.
Dr Crausman. Tru med. I'm allergic to suboxone also and he switched me to subutex a few months ago.
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