Need A Doctor In The West Subs Of Chicago - I Take Norco 10/325's For Pain (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Can anybody recommend a pain management practice near Aurora IL to treat back injuries? The challenge is that many non narcotic medications have not been working well for me and I do not feel good from drugs like Lyrica. I would ideally like a clinic where they would be willing to review my medical history in full and prescribe an appropriate treatment.

24 Replies (2 Pages)

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Try Dr Joseph Onwuta. He's out of Algonquin Illinois so it's about an hour drive, but he's an old school pain management doctor that had me taking 40 mg Norco every day. He's also the doctor that knocks you out for surgery so he knows his s***.

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Dr Yang? Good doctor?

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Have you ever thought about seeing an extremely well qualified Hypnotist? A hypnotist can create 'drugs of choice' as your mind already knows what that drug does for you. Your mind will respond as if you are getting the full dose of the pain med and a hypnotist also can eliminate unwanted side effects from drugs. Finding one of us is difficult in the US, but they do exist. Just make sure to say you want the Bandler drug of choice and ask if they know it. Be well~Pood

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There Is a terrific pain management doctor out of Alexian Bros in Elk Grove. I know that's a way from Aurora, but he listens, he tries different things and will work with you to come up with a plan that works. Dr. Joseph Belmonte, and is an anesthesiologist and pain
Med doctor. Board certified. Excellent
And worth the trip.

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