Need To Find A Pharmacy That Fills Subutex Asap!!! (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have been on subutex for 9 months now. But i have a very big problem next month k mart pharmacy will no longer carry subutex. I live in the tri cities in tn. I have called about 35 pharmacies around they either do not take new people getting subutex or do not carry it at all. I have no insurance i found 1 that cost 340 which is way more than the 215 i paid at k mart. Also some pharmacies I know only carry the small ones which to me do not work as good as the bigger ones. Huge difference. I go back on the 8th next month, so if there is anyone that knows of a good pharmacy in my area your help would be greatly appreciated.

328 Replies (17 Pages)

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Re: SheriAmore (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

Yea I hate pharmacist like that nothing pisses me off more! I was on Sub's for 4 or 5 years then methadone for two years now I am on Zubzolv. For the first few months CVS always had my script in stock and this month it has been terrible. First they did not have it all so they ordered it and when it arrived it was the wrong strength. Im just bought what I could and they told me they would have it for sure when I came back for a refill. Well I came back for my refill and they only had 20 instead of a whole box of 30. So I bought those and went back again and had to pay again for 10. I ended up paying twice as much as normal for their screw ups. I am going to file a complaint!

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Re: Kayy (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

What rite aid was it I'm also in wv and have an appt tues and my pharmacy stopped filling them please let me know

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Re: Amber85 (# 164) Expand Referenced Message

I am sick of them telling me that they can only fill if I'm preg or breast feeding. So who exactly do I call, the paticulat pharmacies corp #? Do I ask the pharmacist for that num,or where do j find it at. Thanks for the help.

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Re: dtex (# 175) Expand Referenced Message

How are those white subs for you? I didn't like them at all, they felt really dirty and cheap to my body. I actually ended going to detox and getting off everything after I got them, they were so nasty. So for me it was a blessing, actually. Well, eventually. ?? I was sick for a minute.

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I live in West Virginia and found a new clinic in Point Marion, PA. The clinic is exactly 0.7 miles over the WV state line into PA. I did find a pharmacy to fill the prescription but the tablets cost $7.50 each and paid $240.00 cash for 32 tablets which is extremely expensive. I have filled scripts for Subutex written in WV at the same exact pharmacy before and they accepted and billed my insurance. They refused to accept my insurance for the script from the Point Marion clinic though because it's a whole 0.7 miles across the WV line and that's ridiculous. My insurance covers my prescriptions at any pharmacy that accepts the insurance in the entire United States. I could get a prescription written in Idaho and filled in California and my insurance would pay for it if the pharmacy accepted the insurance.

I am once again looking for a pharmacy in WV, PA, MD or even OH that DOES accept Medicare with Symphonix Value Rx by UnitedHealthcare for prescription coverage and will accept it for SUBUTEX. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I will give up some pharmacy names and locations I know of to get PA scripts filled in exchange.

Even if someone can give me the name of a pharmacy that's accepting new patients, will fill a PA script for a WV resident and charges less than about $5 per tablet for the 8mg Subutex, that would be appreciated, very, very much and I'll still share some pharmacy names and locations.

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Re: AWV304 (# 193) Expand Referenced Message

I know you're not asking about TN but if you or anyone else wants to know about a great (ma and pa) type of pharmacy that is accepting new patients it's "Gray Pharmacy", in Gray, TN. Very nice people. I am a woman, and get 8mg subutex for pain...yes u heard right, pain, and for another fact, on suboxone I was loosing so much weight and got headaches and I had taken suboxone for quite a long time...I do know this pharmacy takes insurance, but I do not have it. This pharmacy has been there for me for awhile and welcomed me back with open arms when I even switched. They give out the 54411 WestWard Pharm subutex, the Roxane's.... Hope this helps some of you! If you are looking to get something filled around you and cant...tell them u are going to have surgery the next day and don't know what else to do. It worked for me before I tried going back to Gray... Just a suggestion, Good luck to all.

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Re: Twix left (# 205) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I'm guessing Westward bought out Roxanne because I get the actual manufacturer bottle and it said westward on it as well. The 54411s...when I say I like to find the peach Actavis brand I'm assuming those are the peachy oval ones. They don't give me indigestion/heartburn but man oh man the 54411s do! I'm not sure what brand cvs has, as I've not been there.

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Re: Lauren (# 194) Expand Referenced Message

Yes will gray pharmacy fill a out of state prescription from Boone Nc

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Re: Denise (# 257) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ever find a pharmacy that has them? I loved those but I couldn't afford them at Walmart anymore. I did find a place off 103rd that has the small ones with the arrow on them but I don't think they are as good

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Re: justAgirl (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I just want to say that I live in Tx.& it is very hard to get Schedule 3 or Schedule 4 at all!!! Which involves Oxycodone, Oxycotin, Morphine, Methadone, Hydrocodone, Fentanyl, etc etc!! The Subutex, Suboxone designed for the use of withdrawal symptoms of opioids. Its horrible, inhuman for The FDA to impose these new rules, very slowly, thinking that we wouldn't notice!!! Well WE'VE NOTICED!!! Now let's take action and put our feelings into words to THE FDA. Get on the website and start reading, there's a lot of stuff that you have to read around but you will learn soon have a navigate through some of the stuff we have to, and get to the nuts and bolts of it!

As you read you will finally come to information explaining how to write them to get more information and also how the petition them. It's a good start! Please we have to stand together and let our voices be heard!!!!! I hope and pray that there's others that agree with me and go to the FDA web site!! I don't know who created that Ivory Tower, called FDA, or what year it was started or why? But intend to find out!! Is anyone out there with me???? Who gave the FDA the right to make these decisions over our Drs and our bodies, oh and let's not forget the Pharmacists! I believe they've joined with the FDA!! I apologize for being so lengthy!! But I'm going to mention 1 other thing that is totally my belief!! I believe that this will end up with the complete legalization of marijuana, both medicinal and recreational!! FDA has finally looked at the loss of tax profit/revenues. And the profit margin of marijuana versus opioids, legal or non legal, has got to be Off the Charts!! I believe in medicinal marijuana but not recreational!!! Very much!! Many yrs ago I smoked it, for yrs!! So i know 1st hand what it does & 1 day just quit!! Good luck to All who are having troubles, May God lead us down the right path!! And ultimately Good Health!! Absolutely Radiant!!!

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Is there a free clinic or drug rehabs in your area? Both would likely maintain a supply. You should also reach out to maker of Subutex. Surely they can help advocate with the various pharmacies. I find it strange that no one will carry it. You might also reach out to Kmart headquarters. Lastly, no one will carry the drug, then your doctor must provide something that is accessible. To refuse to do so is a violation of ADA and no doubt other laws.

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I live in Pa My Doc is a Medical Cannibis doctor and a Addictions Specialist He takes medicaid medicare and most private insurance Companies Pa has switched to electronically sending scripts to Pharmacy I use Walgreens by the time i get back froma 20 min ride the script is filled/
You have to be proactive.When you are at Doctors ask who fills his/her scripts.A good sub Doc will know who will fill it.I am so grateful Dr danny hernandez in Allentown Pa the best Doctor for Addictions treat,emt.If I had to I would drive 3 hours to get there but 20 min works Happy Holidays I hope everyone got their meds

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Re: Dr RB (# 290) Expand Referenced Message

Actually Suboxone causes much worse withdrawal symptoms, one thing you need to understand is people that actually take it, know more than you do! I’ve quit both, and Suboxone was much worse and longer recovery from the withdrawal itself!

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Re: Ashd2 (# 287) Expand Referenced Message

Not yet walmart has them (been filling them there for a year) but i go to a doctor in PA and since a new pharmacist started she said she will not accept out of state prescriptions! When try to fill closer to the doctor I'm told you need to fill them at a pharmacy thats within 20miles of your address. I found a doctor local but was trying to find a pharmacy to fill a weeks worth just to hold me over till my appointment! I've been told they weren't taking new people or didn't carry it! I really just want to be off them its more of a pain than its worth!

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Check out GoodRx for coupons for subutex. They cut my prescription cost in half!

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Can anyone help me locate a pharmacy in the Buffalo area that carries Westward brand Subutex (54 411)? I’m due for a refill in the morning and now have nothing because my pharmacy said they can’t get it.

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Looking for a pharmacy in the DC area to fill subutex prescription, any help would be appreciated.. Email me {edited for privacy}. Thanks.

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Almost the same problem here. I get the subutex in Pittsburgh PA and I live in Morgantown WV with a WV ID. PA pharmacies wont fill it and WV pharmacies wont fill it either. Anyone got any ideas?C

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Yes , it is impossible to find a pharmacy to fill my prescription, I was having to drive to NC , every week, know, the pharmacy there has called and informed me that, no longer will they be filling out of state prescriptions, and they were even about 60% cheaper than a pharmacy here in TN. But know im in a bind, dont know of a pharmacy who will fill my prescription of subetec, does n e 1 have n e advice,. Id greatly appreciate your help.

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Can you send me the address or phone number or town.. anything about which pharmacy this is?

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