Need To Find A Pharmacy That Fills Subutex Asap!!! (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been on subutex for 9 months now. But i have a very big problem next month k mart pharmacy will no longer carry subutex. I live in the tri cities in tn. I have called about 35 pharmacies around they either do not take new people getting subutex or do not carry it at all. I have no insurance i found 1 that cost 340 which is way more than the 215 i paid at k mart. Also some pharmacies I know only carry the small ones which to me do not work as good as the bigger ones. Huge difference. I go back on the 8th next month, so if there is anyone that knows of a good pharmacy in my area your help would be greatly appreciated.

328 Replies (17 Pages)

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Yes Kroger's you said will fill them no problem which one is it in tn ?

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Please someone help I was getting my subutex filled at the Bristol tn Walmart and now they don't have them and she said that she don't see them ever carrying them again please I need a pharmacy in either Bristol,or jc,or kingsport tn that takes new people and doesn't cost you and arm and a leg please any info ?

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I go there too and they keep telling me they should get them soon but I don't understand why all the other pharmacies have them but not Walmart. They told me they never known when they'll get them but every time they get them they already have a bunch of people scripts held for them so as soon as they get them they fill those first and then tell everyone else they didn't get any. So I turned my script in and they said I'm 7th in line. Last week I had to use the mail order pharmacy and they give the little ones. So I want Walmart to get their s*** together lol.

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Because they are saying they supposing have a law that says they can't feel them unless your breast feeding or pregnant but it doesn't say that it says a va Dr can't write them unless your those two things but it does not say a va pharmacy can't feel them not does it say it in Tenn pharmacists are just interpret it that way but it's also cause the ones on5 who allow it for others are either to their limits or pharmacy are running out I know there's an online one just don't know how need a place in going to be out monday

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I have had mine filled at two places, CVS Pharmacy, and Kroger Pharmacy.
Hope this helps.

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Thanks je tried Princeton and theysaid they were at their limit he has went to suboxone so he dont detox and now he is all broke out and sick as hell he went to dr and got allergy proof and they still giving him NO as an answer they are all full of bs we should get together and write laws on THEM see how they like it!!!!

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Could you please tell me what pharmacy that was? I could really use the help! I have wasted my whole day trying to find a place to fill them & have had no luck so I came all the way back home with nothing!!

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Good luck nobody will help you but their soon be in the same spot on here asking for help

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Very true, people don't want to disclose the names of the pharmacies they use because they are afraid that the pharmacy won't have the medicine to fill their scripts for them but generally pharmacies make sure to order enough of a medication to supply all of their current customers plus new ones. I don't understand why pharmacies are turning new patients away because a Rite Aid pharmacist told me that they do not have a limit on the quantity of Subutex they can order or dispense unless the pharmacy just has too many patients to try to keep up with already but you'd think they would want to acquire new business constantly, especially these big chain pharmacies! The reason it's so hard to get scripts from PA filled in WV is because of the business practices some of the Bup Drs in PA had, like selling scripts in the parking lot and etc so that kind of forced the WV pharmacies to just stop filling for all the PA DRs. You would think over time though, they would do some research and find out what DRs that are prescribing are doing what's right and what ones aren't and fill for the legit doctors. I know a lot of places are encouraging making use of mail order pharmacies. I know of one called CareZone. They will fill and deliver scripts of Buprenorphine right to your door if you get monthly prescriptions from your doctor. It seems super easy to use and they have an app for mobile devices too so if you are still having trouble getting your script filled, give CareZone Pharmacy a try. I am sure there are lots of other mail order pharmacies that do it but I don't know which ones. If there is interest, I will do some research and let everyone know which mail order pharmacies will deliver Buprenorphine products.

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People won't usually offer the names of pharmacies, they believe it will lessen the chance of them being able to get their medication. That said, I am from southeast Ohio but I've never used any pharmacies in Columbus. Anyways many pharmacies have recently switched the brand of the medication they carry, so you will have a hard time trying to find Westward (Roxane has been bought out by Westward, so the brand is now WestWard, or Roxane-Westward, and that is what the bottle will say as well). Due to that recent transition, there was a shipping delay as well. I'd advise you to take the Mylan brand (white, round, "M 924"-imprinted tablet); as they are the most similar to the Roxane-WestWard generics. A lot of the pharmacies have replaced the R-WW brand with the Sun Pharma's "460" imprinted tablets and they have several, terrible side effects and are not nearly as effective. So I wouldn't recommend those.

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Does anyone know of a pharmacy around Washington PA or Bridgeville PA (even more toward Pittsburgh or West Virginia) that will fill a 14 day supply of Subutex for WV resident (do have insurance) receiving a script from a PA doctor? Since most people won't give up their pharmacy without something in exchange, I can give the name of a doctor in PA that gives Subutex for $220 per month which is the cheapest I have heard of and I'll swap that information for pharmacy information.

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This is NOT TRUE. Westward Pharmaceuticals bought out Roxane Laboratories but they did not cease the manufacturing of the Roxane 54 411 imprinted 8mg Buprenorphine tablets! The 54 411 tablets have not been REPLACED by any other brand or manufacturer. There was simply a shortage of the Roxane brand Buprenorphine for a while but that seems to be under control now and pharmacies seem to be stocking the 54 411 tablets again. My pharmacy had to replace them with another brand for a little over a month but now have them available again, so they did not quit making the Roxane brand Subutex generic or replace it with any other brand and it IS still available.

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Has anyone found a Pharmacy that will fill Subutex? I've tried so many and they tell me the same thing their telling some of you. I can't even sleep because I'm having hot flashes and nervous as hell.

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CVS is bad about who they will fill prescriptions for also. I've been to several different CVS pharmacies and all of them say you have to currently be getting your Bup script filled there before they will fill it. You would think these big pharmacies would want those extra $$$ and would accept new patients but apparently not. I've found it's best to try to stick with the little hole in the wall, mom and pop type pharmacies. Generally, they will fill your script without any problem unless they don't carry the medication but even many that don't will order it if you ask them to. This has been the case for me on almost every occasion. So, if you are one of the MANY that is unable to find a pharmacy to fill your Bup script, try to find the small, non-chain pharmacies and you will most likely have success pretty quickly.

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I have written petitions before so I would be more than happy to help. I started writing a letter to congress about this a while back actually.

I think doing some research and documenting what each pharmacy tells you is an excellent idea. I would be more than happy to do this for the pharmacies in my general area (Preston County near Morgantown, WV) and in the area I travel to my doctor and pharmacy also (Bridgeville PA area). As long as I have the medication I need to pull me through so I have time to take my prescription in to the pharmacies around me and around my doctor and get all of the denial reasons collected and documented. That would be an absolute genius way of presenting exactly how wide spread the problem truly is and exactly how many pharmacies each patient actually has to go through before they find one that will actually fill their medication. I never thought about doing that. If you were able to document the denial reason or insurance excuse for a large majority of pharmacies in the areas most affected by this issue, it would definitely be a plus.

I do know of others that would be happy to help with this little project that travel to areas other than the areas I travel to also and they would definitely help document what they are told at the pharmacies and jump on board to sign the petition.

It seems that the main issue here is with patients on Subutex and not so much with the ones on Suboxone films? Personally, I am deathly allergic to Suboxone, Bunavail and Zubsolv so I have no choice but to continue getting Subutex. I nearly died FOUR times because of my former doctor basically experimenting with me and swapping Suboxone films for Suboxone tablets and Suboxone tablets for Bunavail films and the Bunavail for Zubsolv tablets. My throat swells shut, I can't breathe, my blood pressure and heart rate goes through the roof and I am covered in hives in less than 5 minutes after putting any of it in my mouth. If the case is the main issue is with getting the Subutex filled and not so much with getting the Suboxone (and other equivalents of Suboxone) filled, that's even further discrimination toward people. If a doctor prescribes Subutex to someone there is usually a reason why or at least here in WV, a doctor will NOT prescribe Subutex to a patient unless they have a documented life threatening allergy or are pregnant and it really shouldn't be up to a pharmacy to overrule a doctors decision on what medication to prescribe any specific patient. As far as I am aware, there is no law that requires that a Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone) combination product be prescribed instead of just plain Buprenorphine (Subutex), although it seems many doctors do prefer to prescribe the Suboxone after the first couple of days of treatment.

I have done a little research regarding the legality of legit prescription refusal and it seems that a pharmacy can really only refuse to fill a legitimate prescription for a controlled substance if it would cause HARM to the patient in situations like, the patient is allergic to the medication, it would interfere with patients other medications adversely or the dosage is above the recommended dosage guidelines and none of these reasons seem to be the reason for the pharmacies refusal to fill legit Buprenorphine prescriptions. It does appear that we can file complaints against these pharmacies that are refusing us for silly reasons as well and it IS IN FACT a violation of the patients civil rights under the ADA, so that is excellent news!

I will continue researching this topic because it appears the pharmacies are in fact violating our civil rights by refusing to fill our legit prescriptions!

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Guys I really need your help/ advice ASAP. I have my appointment coming up tomorrow morning. I recently lost my insurance and had to pay for my prescription beginning last month. The pharmacy I usually go to (and loved) charges higher than I've ever known anywhere else to charge for this medication - $15 per tablet, totaling $850 for a monthly prescription of 56 tablets! (Roxane-WestWard brand "54 411"). So unfortunately I had to go on the hunt again, and the new pharmacy I went to (which was lovely I might add, & the women were very kind) charges $5 per tablet, so $280/ 56 tablets. Yes, it is SIGNIFICANTLY less, and I am extremely grateful!

However, since that appointment, my fiancee has been laid off from his job. (We are a one-income household as we have a young child that I currently stay at home with). Now we are BOTH looking for new jobs, but in the meantime, we are stretching every dollar as far as we possibly can. Not only do I have to pay for my prescription tomorrow, but also appointment cost & counseling session as well. This brings my total to $510 per appointment (plus gas for 5 hours drive time)... This is the first time in a long time I will only be able to purchase a portion of my medication. And the pharmacy is 2.5 hours each way. So if I have to go back a second time to pay for the remainder of the prescription, that's 10 hours of drive time (and gas).

It would be so helpful if someone could give me info on Rx cards, which ones work for this medication or which ones do not. I don't know anything about them, where to get them, where to use them, nothing. Anything you can tell me to help me out with this would be appreciated! Thanks guys.

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Re: AWV304 (# 120) Expand Referenced Message

I spoke with care zone today and they told me they where no longer shipping out any suboxone or subutex.

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Re: Twiggytwo (# 153) Expand Referenced Message

That ain't right. None of their damn business who u see. His job is to fill it

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Have you tried googling Canadian pharmacies? I looked into them and the medications I was taking it seemed expensive, but I don't take the typical list of meds so I may be an exception. About 15 years ago, I had been in the hospital for 30 days and the insurance company tried pushing me into a rest home. When I got there they ordered my meds from some Canadian Pharmacy and there were no ill effects. DO your research on the ones you like, but my limited experience said the prices were pretty much the same. BE CAREFUL, Do not go outside of Canada for your meds, Turkey and a few others do NOT have an FDA so what you are thinking you are getting may not be what you want.

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U people wanting the 54s are crazy, it should not matter. It's all the same.

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