Need To Find A Pharmacy That Fills Subutex Asap!!! (Page 3)
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I have been on subutex for 9 months now. But i have a very big problem next month k mart pharmacy will no longer carry subutex. I live in the tri cities in tn. I have called about 35 pharmacies around they either do not take new people getting subutex or do not carry it at all. I have no insurance i found 1 that cost 340 which is way more than the 215 i paid at k mart. Also some pharmacies I know only carry the small ones which to me do not work as good as the bigger ones. Huge difference. I go back on the 8th next month, so if there is anyone that knows of a good pharmacy in my area your help would be greatly appreciated.

328 Replies (17 Pages)

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Re: Ladyinwv (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Rite aid has the worst cheapest generics. Worst pharmacy ever.

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Re: Lisa (# 282) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Lisa. We’re you able to find a Pharmacy?

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I live in Pa My Doc is a Medical Cannibis doctor and a Addictions Specialist He takes medicaid medicare and most private insurance Companies Pa has switched to electronically sending scripts to Pharmacy I use Walgreens by the time i get back froma 20 min ride the script is filled/
You have to be proactive.When you are at Doctors ask who fills his/her scripts.A good sub Doc will know who will fill it.I am so grateful Dr danny hernandez in Allentown Pa the best Doctor for Addictions treat,emt.If I had to I would drive 3 hours to get there but 20 min works Happy Holidays I hope everyone got their meds

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I know that going to different pharmacies IN PERSON is a real hassle but I know a Pharmacist that has run a Pharmacy in a large chain of drug stores and he has told me that he was informed by his Corporate ownership to ALWAYS say they cannot fill any Schedule 2 medication over the phone. WHY? Because of the high number of Pharmacy robberies. I understand they believe that robberies happen when people are working together in numbers of two or more. One person calls and asks if the Pharmacy can fill a prescription and do they have sufficient inventory on hand to fill the prescription. Then another person comes in and robs the Pharmacy. Normally, he stated, that the person calling in is a woman and the robber is a man. This is done to confuse the Pharmacy. I KNOW going to a Pharmacy in person is, for many, a big pain the ass but it is the world we live in today.

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Go to your local free clinic or drug abuse clinic. They will likely have the drug onsite.

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Re: Jewell (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Hey! Which pharmacy was it in N.C. I live here & can't find anyone who has any in stock..

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Is there a pharmacy that dispenses Subutex in Cumberland, Maryland?

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Is there a free clinic or drug rehabs in your area? Both would likely maintain a supply. You should also reach out to maker of Subutex. Surely they can help advocate with the various pharmacies. I find it strange that no one will carry it. You might also reach out to Kmart headquarters. Lastly, no one will carry the drug, then your doctor must provide something that is accessible. To refuse to do so is a violation of ADA and no doubt other laws.

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Hi there. Sorry to hear about your problem. Have you looked into getting it filled through mail order pharmacy? I’m sure if you google it you’ll find one no problem whatsoever and it won’t matter what state you happen to live in. Just a thought that might help solve your problems.. good luck!

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Hi. I’m having the same problem in Lake City, Florida. I found one pharmacy that will fill it, but it’s about an hour and a half drive. I’ve called over 30 pharmacies and either they don’t have it or they’re not taking new patients. The dr prescribed subutex. Almost to the point of asking him to switch to subuxone.

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Your doctor may be able to help. Indeed, I would push for him or her to reach out to your pharmacy. You too, should ask the Pharmacist or Pharmacy manager if they are able or unable to retain a supply of the drug. In addition, ask the Pharmacy which Buprenorphine generics they routinely carry. If there are good reasons for carrying one but not others, it may be worth it to switch to a different form of the drug. With respect to the amount of money you are paying, I would go to the distributor/maker, Reckitt Benckiser. Often companies will offer discounts. And as far as I know, Pharmacies cannot refuse the discount. You should also speak with other Pharmacies. Maybe one of them may already carry the drug. If none of the above resolves the matter, you can try going through a Drug addiction treatment program. It means having to jump through hoops because their protocols are different than most. I spent a week talking with every program in my county. Most offer the Buprenorphine medications as a method of kicking an addiction. While they will fully know that you are not an addict, you will be diagnosed as an addict. They will make you go through some kind of counseling as well. The benefit of the latter, no out of pocket payments. I wish you all the best and good luck.

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Re: Spiritually inclined (# 272) Expand Referenced Message

I would love to know the protocol that the Doctor used to allieviate PAWS I have gone through it while trying to get off subs Thanks if not I understand But I am really interested

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Cvs recently started giving me the 460s after having the 54 411s for over a year and I feel terrible. Does anyone know who carries either the 54s or the rp b8s? Help pleaseee.

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I am blessed My Doctor is d a MM Doca sub doctor an]]
I am blessed I live in Pa and my Doc is a sub doc and a Medical Cannibis Doctor I get 45 8/2mgs and my insurance covers it.3 Days before my appointment I go to my local CVS and they make sure they have it. You have to be pro active because if not you will get caught with not being able to get filled I feel bad for those with no insurance My Doc even takes medicare
Those with no insurance Can you apply for Medicaid or some government insurance.Good luck to All

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Re: Beth (# 265) Expand Referenced Message

I absolutely agree, and I can’t believe that a pharmacist actually has the right to refuse to fill a prescription that you need very much because of their moral beliefs????? Are you kidding me?? That sounds a lot like DISCRIMINATION! They do NOT have that right and that’s absolutely INSANE!!!!!!!! I will go to the FDA website! Thx

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Try Costco. To purchase meds, you don’t have to be a member of Costco. If they don’t have it, ask if they can order it.

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I went through the same thing a couple years ago but instead of seeing it as a problem, I saw it as an opportunity to get off of them.

I'm not saying that it's a bad drug, it helped me get off of the mind melting stuff and to start living a somewhat Norma, productive life, but it WAS trading one drug for another. And the benefits of getting off of the subs, like financial and health benefits, definitely outweighed the negatives.
I’m not preaching here. I'm just telling you what I did.

I’ll tell you one more thing and then leave it alone. I got help from a great naturopath names Dr Dave Arneson in Phoenix, AZ who helped me get through the wds pretty easily. His protocol also reduces PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome, which can last up to two years) to two weeks. He has a office called The Source. Might be worth finding someone there.

Anyway, I’ll leave it at that.
Good luck.

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Please help. I need to know what pharmacy has Buprenorphine in stock in the Jacksonville, FL area. I feel that most pharmacists are very discriminatory towards this medication.

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Knoxville has them at a couple pharmacies, they are expensive though.

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I need a pharmacy in WV cheap my doctor is from MD I have a out of state prescription please help me find a pharmacy in WV

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