Need To Find A Pharmacy That Fills Subutex Asap!!! (Page 3)


I have been on subutex for 9 months now. But i have a very big problem next month k mart pharmacy will no longer carry subutex. I live in the tri cities in tn. I have called about 35 pharmacies around they either do not take new people getting subutex or do not carry it at all. I have no insurance i found 1 that cost 340 which is way more than the 215 i paid at k mart. Also some pharmacies I know only carry the small ones which to me do not work as good as the bigger ones. Huge difference. I go back on the 8th next month, so if there is anyone that knows of a good pharmacy in my area your help would be greatly appreciated.

328 Replies (17 Pages)

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Mine too. I have filled at Walgreens for sometime and now am having a serious issue as they say they will not fill it next time which is this coming Thursday. I live in VA but my Dr is in TN and this is ridiculous. If I was selling, taking them in a way I wasn't suppose to take them, etc then I could understand. I have no idea what to do and suboxone makes me so sick. I have massive headaches, etc. Anyone know of a place I can get them filled in the tri-cities area and not be ridiculed? It's ridiculous, would they rather us go to a "pain management clinic" and get rx'd pain meds....I bet they'd have zero problem filling that. It's so ridiculous.

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Go to Athens TN the Wal greens don't discriminate if not pregnant

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I'm just currently started in the clinic after been scared to get help with my drug problem. I am also on Subutex and from WV their are very few place around that will expect payment scrips. I need help after 6 years I'm finally getting help an can't find a pharmacy wtf is wrong with pharmacys. Could someone please help me.

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I need to find a pharmacy in TN that will fill my subutex I need the 54/411

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The drug is meant to be a temporary thing. Not 14 yrs. I wouldnt fill it either.

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I so agree having same problem from Wv myself and cant find nowhere to get mine filled either been clean for a couple years im still not ready to be taken off them yet ,I still scared I will relapse people don't understand what this is like till they have gone thru this ..this has saved my life and my families lives

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What exit and what city? Please I really need to know. I'm from outside of Wheeling, WV and was wondering if you knew of any pharmacy that takes a PA script for Subutex/bupronephrine? I really need help!

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What is the name of the one that costs 340. I need a pharmacy bad.

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Can I get that info I have been everywhere trying to fill mine No luck

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I also need to find a pharmacy..So I'll let u know if I find one..Plz do the sameback.good luck.wish me luck....

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They will not tell you over the phone that they have it. You have to go to the store or have your doctor call and locate a store that has it.

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I need a pharmacy that will fill my script of 56 8mg subutex. Any suggestions? The orange ones I can't handle the taste. Located in pa. Plz help

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Let me know that info please! I've been looking everywhere as well!

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Places in Pittsburgh will fill even with WV i.d depending on what doctor you go to, this a country problem everyone is having problems getting theirs filled, BUT I do know places in PA will depending on your doctor it's something that you literally have to drive around and see.

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What pharamcies are these? I'm from PA and my CVS carries m924s now I prefer the 54411s

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I am in the same situation. If u find an answer please share it. Thanks. I am from Jonesville, VA but my dr is in Johnson city, TN. Can anyone please help? I don't want to go back to the streets and go down that road again. I am begging for help. Thanks. {edited for privacy}

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I'm from wv and can't find anyone to fill my script of subutex anywhere in wv pa or oh. Can anyone help please I don't want to go there again lived like that for too long .

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I live around butler pa & can't find anywhere to fill my subutex RX. Any help is greatly appreciated!?

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I'll go to cvs in PA to get whatever . Where in PA. Every cvs I stop at in PA say they don't carry then

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Get it through the mail ask your dr if they participate in the mail program

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