Need To Find A Pharmacy That Fills Subutex Asap!!! (Page 16)
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I have been on subutex for 9 months now. But i have a very big problem next month k mart pharmacy will no longer carry subutex. I live in the tri cities in tn. I have called about 35 pharmacies around they either do not take new people getting subutex or do not carry it at all. I have no insurance i found 1 that cost 340 which is way more than the 215 i paid at k mart. Also some pharmacies I know only carry the small ones which to me do not work as good as the bigger ones. Huge difference. I go back on the 8th next month, so if there is anyone that knows of a good pharmacy in my area your help would be greatly appreciated.

328 Replies (17 Pages)

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Yes that is so true they will fill what got me addicted in the first place but not what will get me off

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Where is that and is it in tri cities.. Do u have the number? I'm trying to get mine filled.. After 2 yrs of getting the 54 411s mypharnacy starts getting the Orange 1s

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I'm having the same issue, with a Sunday appt I knew it would be hard to get my script filled but, I had no idea it would be this hard, visited/called 60 pharmacies in Washington PA, and surrounding areas extending into WV, had the same issue, from WV with WV ID, PA script. Places in WV told me that they won't fill PA scripts, PA places told me they only fill for local people. Spent all day trying to get it filled with no luck. It's sad that people try to get help and are turned away like trash. No wonder most people give up and relapse. Things need to change this is so unfair for people who are trying to hold on to sobriety!

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hey man im to the point price doesnt matter... could you give me that info please?

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Were at in wv if u don't mind me asking i need to find a pharmacy asap also

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If u call they won't tell u a straight answer. U have to go to the pharmacies yourself n find out in person. The only luck I had was walgreens but they fill with the orange footballs which is the same n actually stronger but most ppl want the white ones. The walgreens I went to asked if I was pregnant n I told them ye's even tho I'm not but was told before hand that's the only way they'll fill them so if u r a guy idk what to tell u but if u r a female go to walgreens n when they ask if they do say yes

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I'm having the same problem if you find one would you let me know I have called 40 pharmacies in pa and nothing I have one in wv that will next month but my appointment is tomorrow. Ugh

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Can anyone please send me any info about any pharmacies they've found to fill them in this situation? Anything... even higher prices will help. I have an upcoming appointment in PA and live in wv and I'm trying to have to avoid the search.

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Can you send me the address or phone number or town.. anything about which pharmacy this is?

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Hey i go to a and r solutions i got a script for subutex and im having trouble finding a pharmacy to fill my i found one but they dont take my incurance im from ohio and i have careaource they will cover it but if i hace to ill pay for the script did you find a pharmacy to fill yours ive called every where and been to diffent palces moat of them dont carrie it or i have to be pregant and have a letter stating that or allargie to suboxone and i am but they dont have it on fill i wote it on my paper work at the office and thats why he gave me subutex when when the pharmacy calls them they cant tell them im allergie to it cause its not on fille anywhere did you have any luck filling yours ihave this script for about a week now and i need help please help me

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Thank u sooo much, it's a god send lol. I recently found out from a friend that if u go to a pharmacy n ur a female n they ask if ur pregnant u just say yes and they'll fill them, but the only luck I had was at walgreens but they fill with the orange footballs which I wasn't familiar with at first n thought they have me suboxone lol but it wasn't, lucky me. But I didn't notice much difference if any at all from the big white ones, so that's a plus but thank u!! I'm Def going to try out that pharmacy n see for myself just so I have a backup if my pharmacy stops filling mine one point in time. Thank u thank u thank u!!!

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Go to Thompsons pharmacy in Buckhannon. $7 apiece. It sucks driving past home and you can only get 2 a day filled, but it's somewhere. They carry Roxane (54/411)for $7, Mylan (m 926) $6.75 and another one which I think are small ones for 6.75. Better than nothing for now!

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Where was The Rite Aid located on having a hell of a time myself I know I walked into at least 15 different pharmacies they asked me if I'm pregnant and then tell me no

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Darren where did u go to get ur script filled that was an hour and half away?? I'm having problems getting mine filled too. I travel from Ohio to pa for a script only to have absolutely no one fill my script. I only found 1 place but they are the smalls ones n like u said they aren't as good as the big ones. I have to do twice as much as oposed to the big ones. Everyone I know that gets them won't help either cuz no one wants to give up their pharmacy. I need help n I'd greatly appreciate it if u were able to help since u stated to contact u for the info if it was needed. Plz help plz

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Phils Pharmacy Pitcairne PA ... Monroeville basically just outside Pittsburgh will fill your PA script for Buprenorphine ... formerly known as Subutex... regardless of where you are from as long as you have a valid ID... doesnt matter what state the ID is from. Phil only carries the small ones and they are $7 each.

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Please tell us which pharmacy was it???? We go to A and R solutions in Pittsburgh and have that same problem.

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Jewell. Try imperial pa. There are pharmacys there that carry it. I don't think it helps calling because they will just lie. I think it should be illegal not to fill someone's script because they don't want to. A doctor prescribes it for a reason. I'm so sorry I went through the same exact thing. I never had that much trouble getting subutex filled

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Hi. I was in your situation a few days ago. I paid to see my doctor got my prescription and went to every pharmacy in Pittsburg to fill it and no one would. I called and went in everywhere most people were rude. My advice is to go to one outside of Pittsburg I went to one a couple exits past coming back to WV. I called a rite aid they said they carried it but were out of stalk I went anyways and was just going to drop it off because I had wasted my whole day. Turns out they did have it. They pharmacist worked with discount cards and got me 30 of them for 110 dollars and it was better than nothing. I am from WV too and I had been on subutex since I started treatment someone at my clinic overdosed so my doctor switched me and I couldn't take the strips.

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I'm in the same shape as you, i just need my medication before I relapse. I do not care what color or size it is, my soberiety means too much to me. Can anyone help me find a pharmacy in the tri cities for subutex? I'm desperate, i have the RX discount card, no help without a pharmacy. Please, any suggestions?

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Yes , it is impossible to find a pharmacy to fill my prescription, I was having to drive to NC , every week, know, the pharmacy there has called and informed me that, no longer will they be filling out of state prescriptions, and they were even about 60% cheaper than a pharmacy here in TN. But know im in a bind, dont know of a pharmacy who will fill my prescription of subetec, does n e 1 have n e advice,. Id greatly appreciate your help.

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